Thursday 30 March 2023

Why does the Education Department accept teachers being off pay a normal process?

It is very inhumane to a teacher who duly resumes duty on time, fills out a resumption duty form and sends to the pay roll but yet gets off pay when the so called normal process of auto suspension is effected. 

Something is not right along the resumption of duty process and this should not be accepted as normal

This has been happening year in year out..

When the Education Secretary says its a "normal process" it's actually distasteful to a committed teacher who would be waiting for ages to get back on payroll.

I know this because most of my elder siblings are teachers and they have been badly affected by the so called auto suspension.

Sometimes their bank loan and interest go into arrears and when they are paid backdated in lumpsums much is taxed and of course the bank gets its share as well and they are left with just a little to brighten their lives.

Classroom.learning at Oksapmin Secondary School Picture by GC Giles Facebook 

What I am concerned and attempting to be frank here is that it should not be accepted as a normal process for teachers to be off payroll every year.

I stress processes are designed and controlled by humans so humans can correct failures in the process or system.

Our computers are dumb machines and so they act on instructions provided by humans so if the Education Department audits the process they should be able to find where the challenges are and of course correct them.

We should not accept it as normal that every year someone, a teacher has to be off pay.

There must be a No!

How could we demand commitment from teachers to deliver quality education when we put them off pay?

Salaries and wages are rewards that motivate someone to deliver an outcome and if that is missing, one can't expect the desired outcome.

The Education department has moved auto pay suspension to pay nine of 2023.

The department is predicting around 15,000 teachers to be affected.

That is just massive.

Can the Education department reduce this to Zero? I think they can.

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