Wednesday 22 March 2023

Multitelevision channel access available

 Anyone would recall having a multi  television channel access in Port Moresby was a luxury.

Not only with respect to costs but the process to be qualified for subscription was cumbersome.

If you're at a remote out station, this is a dream.

Hotels and motels were the common customers for the pay television multi channel access- not employed individuals.

Then in 2013 Digicel introduced the Digicel Playbox gadget. 

Well smaller in size than the decoders for one channel TV and multichannel decoders. 

And the best news was anyone in Port Moresby can just pay for as low as K200 connect Playbox to the HD TV screen using HDMI cable or RCA connectors, your antenna costing K60 can be pointed to Burns Peak and you can have access to multi channel television at homes.

The introduction of the Red Dish costing K800 and very portable  also makes it easy to install anywhere in PNG. 

If you are at remote West Sepik you can have access to multi tv.

Well from K800 red dish Digicel is making a promo selling it and the play box at K199.

Massive discount so head to Digicel HQ at Gordon's now and invest in one hot red dish and play box.

They have sent put a broadcast promo message to Digicel customers.

Happy watching 

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