Friday 10 March 2023

Millions of kina are in Agriculture

 This is no bullshit for Papua New Guineans when we are reminded of this adage 'money is on the land'.

We own 97 percent of the land and  so have unlimited power on how we develop it sustainably and consciously considering climate change.

I see millions are in Agriculture and I am confident the government sees it too but we need to support this sector to develop and money is put back into people's pockets. 

The farmers must also not struggle to make money.

A farmer in Rigo District must not leave his village by 12 midnight to travel six hours to Gordons in Port Moresby to sell his coconuts.

Rigo coconuts selling at K3.00

I was just amazed counting the number of people selling their produce at Gordon's market in Port Moresby.

In a day the value of the produce being on the market and straight from the land is worth hundreds and thousands of kina.

I  counted a number of bunch of bananas selling at K3.00 each for a woman, she had about 8 which once sold would fetch about K24.00.

Her five kina bunch were about nine so definitely K45.00 would be earned.

Seriously and no doubt the value of produce from our land is very high and owners or holders are therefore rich.

Our challenge is farmers need to have access to markets and enabling infrastructure and reliable transport that they can use to transport produce to markets.

A female in the Siassi area in Morobe this week told NBC Morobe they have many agriculture produce to sell but there is no market.

This is not limited to Siassi or Morobe only.

The government needs to put in so much effort to bail citizens out of this challenge that is as old as the country itself.

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