Monday 13 March 2023

What's your favourite burger in Port Moresby

 I still have the the taste and hunger for a burger at McDonalds I first had 23 years ago.

I face the reality now that McDonalds don't operate in Papua New Guinea, let alone Port Moresby.

So I had to go with what's available.

I have had a Big Rooster burger and I must say I didn't like it.

 Recently I had a beef burger at Burger House sold at Vision City, just next to Yellow Captain.

It costs K18.

I loved it and I rate it close to McDonald's burger.

It's got a good wrapper as well so one can have his or her burger in the wrap protecting any piece falling off.

But I got introduced to Meat House buffalo burger and I must say it's the super best in town with very nice fillings.

My only issue, it doesn't have a wrapper to take care of any fillings like mayonnaise leaking.

The Meat House burger costs K20.

What is your best burger?

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