Tuesday 2 November 2021

How to make money in Papua New Guinea using the Internet

I have used capital letter  ' I' for internet in the heading because that is the formal use of it.

It is a connection of connected network of computers around the world.

For PNG its introduction has surely changed a lot of things in the way we do business and communicate. 

Internet was introduced in about 1997 and limited number of people accessed it through Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)  via landlines mainly.

It had actually picked up exponentially in terms of use and literacy in about 2010.

Today about two million Internet users are in Papua New Guinea, that's according to the Minister for Information and Communications when he applauded the acquisition of Digicel Pacific by Telstra, an Australian company.

Social media users of Facebook account for about half of the Internet users.

So while we have increased accessibility and its affordable, well in the last 12 months internet data price was slashed when the Coral Sea cable 2 linking Sydney was launched.

Overseas commentators feel cost was still high compared to other Pacific countries though.

Well, I have deviated and lets get back on track.

The Internet is at your finger tips with access through smart phones, laptop or desktop.

I will point you to one accessible and affordable means of making money-just through writing.

Yes just through writing and so your thoughts and ideas are a gold mine.


Through www.blogger.com you can host a blog or website for FREE and and start uploading what you think in writing with pictures or videos.

Get people to read your content by browsing your website.

You can build a social media page to promote your content so you get people to read your stuff.

When you have some traffic say 5,000 go to Google Adsense and register to be a publisher.

Visit this site https://www.google.com/adsense/new

Once you are a publisher, you will be will be prompted to copy a code and embed in your blogger site.

There are widgets there you will use.

Once that is done, you should see Google ads appear on your site randomly.

So people pay Google to place these ads and they send to websites at selected regions that this ad is targeting and if anyone clicks on your advert, you receive 68% of the money.

The more clicks you get on these ads the more money you make.

Adsense will send you a six digit PIN from Singapore once you reach $20 and you can activate your publisher account.

You can enter your Papua New Guinea bank account details.

Once you have reached USD $100 the money is wired straight to your nominated PNG account usually on the 21 of each following month.

And you start earing income from your mobile phone or computer right at your home or office.


For the Wordpress website, you can also monetise it with Google Adsense.

But you need to register a domain name costing less than USD $20 and and buy a business plan that is renewable every year costing K1,200 (USD $300)

Use your visa debit cards.

I have recently received my PIN from Adsense in Singapore and focusing now on creating content for my audience and hope I can earn some money.

What we can do is you focus on a particular type of content for your niche market, so as I.

We read each others content and we all earn a little to sustain our lives.

You can use the same publisher account on various websites and your YouTube account.

There are many other monetisation platforms you can find on the Internet but I am sharing this one as it has worked for me and I will not be selfish to keep it secret.

Many PNG websites have already monetised their sites and earning money, so why not you do too?

Let's bring in foreign currency and grow our economy.

All the best.

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