Wednesday 24 November 2021

PNG Prime Minister James Marape urges 'wantoks' in Solomon Islands to respect democratic institutions

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogovare today called PNG Prime Minister James Marape and reported there were protests and vandalism in the capital Honiara.

Solomon Islands Herald reported today that protesters wanted Sogovare to step down and amidst the protest turning nasty, a leaf hut near Solomon Island's Parliament was set alight.

Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has appealed to the people of its eastern Melanesian neighbour Solomon Islands to “respect the rule of law and democratic institutions and not to take the law into their own hands”.

Marape said: “The Solomon Islands has helped PNG during the Bougainville Crisis, something for which we are grateful to this day."

“I want to encourage our wantoks in Honiara to respect the rule of law and democratic institutions and not to take the law into their own hands.
“Solomon Islands has always been a beacon of hope for us in Melanesia, and a middle ground for many of our Pacific and Melanesian issues, so I ask for peaceful democratic dialogue to any issues of discontent.”

Prime Minister Marape in February 2020 signed bilateral agreements with Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare to strengthen relations between the two countries during an official visit to Honiara.

In 2003 Solomon Islands descended into civil unrest and lawlessness, there was economic decline, corruption and a dramatic drop in service delivery. 

Prime Minister then Sir Allan Kemakeza requested assistance from the Pacific Region to restore normalcy in Solomon Islands.

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