Wednesday 17 November 2021

Hear the "last man standing" talk to veteran TV journalist John Eggins


With the passing of Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare in March and Sir Pita Lus in October, there appears to be the only one "last man standing" as pioneer politician for Papua New Guinea in Sir Julius Chan- New Ireland Governor.

The country has transitioned in time, now advancing with technology and more university graduates.

A few points to note.

But the stories of our founding fathers political careers and political maneuvering even against Australian rule are priceless to listen to and learn from.

Papua New Guinea should be able to hear from "The Last Man Standing" video documentary that renowned and veteran TV journalist John Eggins is producing and will be broadcast on the oldest TV station EMTV in December 2021.

Eggins and his crew featuring news director Sincha Dimara and camera man Allan Terry were in New Ireland in the last fortnight traversing the length and breath of New Ireland dubbed the Bilas Peles video documenting developments in agriculture and infrastructure, various other changes, cultural events and dinning at locally acclaimed restaurants like Niu Lodge.

Eggins and Sir Julius had an exclusive interview  at the New Ireland Legislative Assembly. 

The interview sets the tone for the entire feature commentary on the last man standing.

Eggins who is currently based at his home in Mt Hagen was engaged by EMTV to carry out the last man standing interview. 

He expressed heartfelt gratitude at how  his team were treated by the New Ireland Government during the filming in New Ireland.


Both Eggins and EMTV’s News Director Sincha Dimara said it was vital that PNG’s History through the eyes of our forefathers must be recorded and kept as reference for our future generations.


“We are very grateful that one of our last remaining founding fathers, Sir Julius Chan was kind enough to let us into his world these past few days. Its been an overwhelming experience seeing him in action and looking at all the impact projects he has implemented during his time as Governor. Even at 82 it’s amazing how sharp his mind is still is. He is definitely a man of his own calibre,” Eggings said.


The “Last Man Standing” Special Edition is anticipated to be aired in December on EMTV.

 Look out for Promo’s on EMTV for specific timings.

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