Tuesday 30 November 2021

Central Province launches new provincial hospital for its people

 November 29, 2021 should be a date registered in the development history books for the Central Province as it launched a 300 bed hospital to be built at Bautama-along the Magi Highway.

Prime Minister James Marape, Central Governor Robert Agarobe, Health Minister Jelta Wong, National Planning Minister Rainbo Paita and NCD Governor Powes Parkop were all among dignitaries and invitees at the grand launch.

It would cost K500 million to build the health facility and costs would inflate when other related infrastructure works are done.

Prime Minister James  said costs of roads, houses, electricity and other infrastructure in the new Central City at Bautama – adjoining the hospital - would take costs up to K700 million.

Central Health Authority Chairman Isikeli Taureka says the province has poor health performance compared to other provinces.

The National reports Taureka said building of the provincial hospital will allow them through the health authority to better manage and operate services for their people.

The people of Central have been using the Port Moresby General Hospital and the Gerehu Hospital as their referral hospitals for emergencies and cases needing specialist care.

" When you drive past Port Moresby General Hospital, one sees tent shelters at nearby roadside," Taureka said.

"This is a sign that families are temporarily residing there are from outside of Port Moresby and a relatives of people who have been admitted to the hospital."

This should now be eased with the construction of the new provincial hospital.

Central has a workforce of only 138 that serves 360,000 people.

There are three doctors, 20 health extension officers, 30 nurses and 80 community health workers.

The establishment of the provincial hospital will require more manpower as the facility will require more doctors and other health workers.

Marape said: “Health is receiving over K2.6 billion of the K22 billion Budget, in fact, 11.2 per cent total allocation.
“This is possibly the first time in the last 46 years we’ve been a nation, for Health Sector to receive the biggest allocation - ahead of Education and many other sectors in our country.
“This is a case in point that we are serious about our people’s health issues.
“Health comes first, we cannot compromise lives and livelihood of our people.”
He said Central featured prominently in the 2022 Budget allocation to the Health Sector and this would continue next year onwards.
“The story will continue, the journey will continue, until, hopefully in 2025, we will be able to come here again on this ground when a brand-new 300-bed hospital is delivered not just for Central Province but for the country.”

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