Wednesday 24 November 2021

NICTA launches corporate plan 2021 to 2025

 Minister for Information Communications Technology Timothy Masiu gives his speech

Let me take this time to thank you, NICTA Chairman and your Board members, NICTA CEO and your good management and staff, for your support to the Government through my Ministry to date.     
The launching of NICTA’s Corporate Plan 2021 – 2025, is an important occasion because it ushers a renewed sense of direction for NICTA.     
The ICT sector has evolved since the last Corporate Plan. 

I am pleased that the new five-year Plan takes into account the changes over the years including implications for the government, industry and consumers.

The new Corporate Plan focuses on: 
1. Improving stakeholder collaboration across Government;
2. Enhancing communications among citizens;
3. Establishing regulations to oversee efficiency within the ICT sector;
4. Improving connectivity; and
5. Deploying technology to drive local innovation.
There is no doubt that ICT is a catalyst for economic growth and social development.
ICT also poses two development challenges. First, is the rapid technological development of ICT around the world which NICTA must embrace and tailor to suit local circumstances. Second, is the increase in demand for ICT Services due to the growth of an educated population and increase in use of digital technologies by SMEs and businesses in the country.
I want to urge NICTA to create an ICT regulatory environment that supports SMEs and businesses. This sector of our economy has the potential to accelerate economic growth, and digital technologies can enhance the growth in this sector and help PNG leapfrog towards digital economy.
Give equal attention to upskilling the NICTA management and staff to be on par with current trends and practices in the ICT sector so that you are able to effectively regulate the industry and to ensure ICT goods and services are affordable and available to our citizens.
I also want to stress the need for NICTA to have oversight on media and broadcasting. The National ICT Summit hosted by the Ministry earlier this month revealed regulatory gaps in this area of media and broadcasting. 
In fact, I direct the Department of ICT and NICTA to review the Summit recommendations so that we can work together to strengthen the regulatory regime for the betterment of the industry, our people, and the country as a whole.              

I acknowledge our stakeholders and thank each stakeholder for complying with regulations and for supporting NICTA in the delivery of its statutory responsibilities. 
I want to encourage NICTA to continue to be diligent in the administration of its statutory functions and powers. This is critical for a robust regulatory framework.
To conclude, this Corporate Plan sets a clear target for NICTA, consistent with PNG’s Medium-Term Development Plan 3. And so, I look forward to seeing NICTA carry out its mandate for the benefit of our citizens, industry and the country as a whole.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my pleasure to now, officially launch the NICTA Corporate Plan 2021-2025! 

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