Friday 5 November 2021

PNG schools to open until December 10


The Ministry of Education is very concerned and notes the recent surge in covid-19 cases across the country and, especially affecting schools and the education services.

“Whilst we take note of the surge and the actions that are being taken by schools and provinces during the examinations period, as Minister for Education, I would like to thank everyone for their actions taken to ensure that the examinations were completed without any major incidences and, currently the marking is in progress,” Minister for Education Hon. Jimmy Uguro said.

“As Minister responsible for Education, I commend schools for the timely completion of grade eight, grade 10 and grade 12 examinations.”

“Also, I would like to make it very clear as to whether classes are to continue or be suspended.  There are a lot of speculations and suggestions for classes to be suspended and closed indefinitely until the end of the year.

“The official position of the Minister who is responsible for education standards, services and curriculum and the position of the Government; there will be no definite or indefinite suspension of classes by any schools or provinces. Schools will remain open until the December 10, 2021 when all schools officially close for the Christmas festive season.

However, Minister Uguro said, given specific situations in specific schools or districts or provinces; the established provincial covid-19 taskforce or committees can make an assessment to suspend schools in their respective areas for a short period for up to 14 days.

He added that any extension after 14 days; the provincial covid-19 committees must consult with the Ministry through the Department.

“There should be no decision by any provincial education authority for any suspension of schools for the rest of the year, until and unless the Ministry and Department is informed and an approval is given. Failure to do that will result in students’ learning and certification being affected; furthermore, there will be more ramifications as a result.”

“As of today, the academic year still remains. We have five more weeks to go so we urge all heads of schools, school boards and heads of divisions of education to be vigilant and take all proactive measures and follow the mitigations and health measures that are in place and are being published widely to prevent teachers and students from being affected by the pandemic,” the Minister said.

The Minister also called on all schools nationwide not to conduct any graduation ceremonies as such events are risky at this time and advised students to graduate in absentia.

He is strongly urging every teacher and public servant in the Education System to go for vaccination.

“The vaccinations are not mandatory and compulsory but based on medical advice and experience and the global practice now, we urge that every teacher go for vaccination to protect themselves, students, colleagues, and their family members.”



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