Saturday 13 November 2021

Reports from Yangoru, East Sepik, a district progressing in development

 As they say actions and results will speak for themself.

The Yangoru story is probably one of the many development stories that is worth marveling at and sharing.

The passionate E-library man Joe Larry Chinau reported from Yangoru through his social media page.

And I feel obliged to further tell this enriching story.

I have heard few stories about electricity reaching Yangoru a while back and with this recent developments, they are worth retelling.

Joe says "water and power are stimulus for urban growth".

I can't disagree one bit and commends the organisations and people who are behind this.

Many other rural districts should replicate such development in their area.

For Yangoru, electricity poles are already connecting communities and the waterboard has set up and pumping water to a purification tank.

Joe says there are two reservoir tanks each has a holding capacity of 160,000 litres.

That is a total of 320,000 litres to service Yangoru station and possibly nearby villages.

Raw water will be pumped into the purification tanks, treated and then distributed.

Few communities closer to urban centres like Buka that I am familiar with have improved their living standards when development enablers like sealed roads and electricity were accessible to people.

For Yangory we should commend the District Development Authority for this.

A challenge now is for the other rural districts in East Sepik and West Sepik.

If Yangoru can, others can.

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