Sunday 21 November 2021

Violence eating up our budgets says Powes Parkop

Violence Against Women And Girls - Still A Big Issue in PNG

It  will only end if one has self respect for oneself.

This was the message Governor for NCD Hon Powes Parkop gave to city residents who took part in the Remember walk to end and STOP violence against women and girls this morning.

"We are all wearing red today to promote this. When we approach a traffic light, red means to STOP and so, we must STOP violence against women and girls," said Governor Parkop.

He said even after 46 years of Independence, we as a nation still have this struggle of ending violence against women and girls.

"We must be seen to be a livable city being healthy, wealthy, smart and a wise country as this is part of achieving our 2050 vision for our PNG. And part of this great challenge includes respecting women and girls and allowing them to be free and to go as far as they can in achieving whatever dreams, visions and goals they aspire to achieve," said Mr Parkop.

He added that bad habits, low value systems, behaviour and attitudes need to change in order us to move forward in achieving our goals.

COVID 19 has also given us the opportunity to go back to our communities and preach this message.

"This time we change our approach. Rather than gathering in huge numbers because of the 'niupla pasin' protocols we are adhering to, we can go back to our communities and create more awareness for them to change their attitudes, behaviour, live better lifestyles, to promote cleanliness and hygiene living and particularly to STOP violence against women and girls," Parkop said.

"Respect yourself and you will be able to respect others and in this case to respect women and girls. It's starts with each individual."

He further added that the next parliamentary budget, will also include funding at all levels of the government at the national, local and community levels to fight against gender based violence.

"The tourism industry, business investors and opportunities and security issues, will never change for the better in PNG,  unless we change ourselves. We can never use all the money coming into our country from the rich minerals resources we have, because this money is diverted time and time again to providing security and engaging the police, CIS, defence and to other stakeholders that we need to give more attention to in order to STOP violence against women and girls," said Mr Parkop.

He said that much of the exported minerals income to the country was supposed to help SME's, education, health, law and order and the church, youth and women's programs, but rather we are using to  STOP violence in all its forms.

"Violence against women and girls has been going on for too long in this county and it must STOP now," Parkop said.

Source: Press Release

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