Tuesday 30 November 2021

Tari to Port Moresby marijuana identified by police dog

Port Moresby police say five packages of compressed marijuana were recovered at the Jacksons Airport terminal by police and security personnel yesterday.

The drugs were contained in a bag transported by plane from Tari to Port Moresby but left unclaimed on the cargo conveyor belt inside the terminal.
The Constabulary's highly adored furred member Astro, starred again in this special operation by sniffing out the drugs.
The Dog's Handler and colleague Constable Edward Baimba said, Astro sniffed at the bag and sat next to it.
"And then, we cut it open and recovered the cannabis." Constable Baimba said.
Astro and his team are involved in a special festive season operations aimed at detecting criminal activities around the Jacksons Airport.

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