Wednesday 24 November 2021

Puma Energy modernises service stations and applying global service standards

Puma  Energy PNG Country General Manager Hulala Tokome says the company continues to invest and apply Puma's latest global standards when servicing customers among its network of service stations around the country.

This week the company re-opened a new-look Eriku Service Station in Lae after a major three-month facelift.

It is the second of three service stations planned for refurbishment this year as part of Puma’s ongoing program to modernise and expand its network of 100 service stations.

Eriku service station, is one of Puma’s key company owned retail sites in the country and offer customers, faster modern pumps that will be able fill up in half the time it took before the upgrade and a new look Super 7 convenience store.

"The Eriku service station upgrade is similar to Puma’s new flagship station at Gerehu and the recently refurbished Hohola Service Station. We want to give our customers the best possible experience,” Tokome said.

Gideon Karali, Puma Energy PNG Retail Manager says “Through our service station network, we are partnering with SMEs and helping to develop the country’s SME sector."

"All our retail sites are operated by SMEs, except for one and we have more than 400 working with us both in our retail and Pumas Gas businesses.”

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