Friday 17 March 2023

NBC Bougainville jumps on WhatsApp to share news

 Thursday 16th March


NBC Bougainville is pleased to announce a new initiative we are embarking on in disseminating our 'news' service through Whatsapp.

We are introducing a 'NBC Bougainville News Community' on Whatsapp.

This community is simply our added effort into reaching as many people as possible who may be outside our radio frequency but inside a mobile network coverage and have acces to the internet and use whatsapp.

Content on this platform is specifically our daily news bulletins in audio form. 

It's an extension of the same news bulletin broadcasted on our radio service on 95.5FM.

The community encourages feedbacks, news pointers and tips and alerts that can further help with our news gathering and dissemination across Bougainville.

If you are an avid follower of news and current issues in Bougainville we encourage you to join this community.

You can do so by asking us to add you to the platform by sending us your phone number.

Those outside the region and abroad are also encouraged to subscribe to keep abreast with what's happening back home and to join in on whatever conversation.

Text us your number on 74248199, or inbox this page to add you to the 'NBC News Whatsapp Community'.

You can also let yourself in via this link

We hope you appreciate our efforts.

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