Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Sunday 30 June 2024

What's good Kina boy?

 Sometimes you gotta love the delays. As they say patience is a virtue.

So in this piece I share how I love My Kina and Kina Bank. Ooops sounds mouthful but it sound right.


PNG resource week exhibition and seminar

 Registration for the PNG Resources week organised by the PNG Chamber of Resources and Energy gets underway in Port Moresby today.

The event described to be a prestigious one will be held at the University of Papua New Guinea.

It will feature, career fair, local landowner companies engaged in the resources sector showcasing their week and a resources summit where experts and expected to discuss the PNG resources sector.

The Prime Minister James Marape is expected to be at the event.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Air Niugini recruits new cadet pilots after eight years

 Air Niugini cadet pilots all set to commence their 18 months cadet training.

They are pictured here with the airline’s Acting Chief Executive Officer and the Flight Operations management team.
The last recruitment was 8 years ago.

(l to r): General Manager Flight Operations Captain Samiu Taufa (back), Manager Organisation Development Ms Bernadine Winkuaru (front), pilot cadets Stehen Nialir (back), Wari Willie (front), Edward Bare, Shirley Ambang, Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr Gary Seddon, pilot cadets Thaddeus Kobal, Emmanuel Kukyuwa, Chief Operating Officer Captain Granger Narara and pilot cadet Vincent Yandawai

Thursday 6 June 2024

MRDC says no risks with its venture in offshore gas project

Former Minister for Petroleum and Energy Kerenga Kua has come under criticism from the Mineral Resource Development Company.

The company who manages landowner funds from mining and petroleum resource projects has accused Kua as a former minister who withheld the licence for the offshore Pasca A gas project for reasons only known to himself.

Mr Kua has alleged that the  joint 50-50 gas participating interest in Twinza’s Pasca A project has risks and landowners could lose huge sums of money.

The agreement further binds MRDC and Twinza to work together, acquire and develop future oil and gas opportunities in Papua New Guinea.

MRDC will need USD$160 million to be partners with Twinza and in kina would be around K617 million.

Mr Kua has said MRDC holds monies for land owners in trust funds and the recent venture with Twinza many be risky alleging Twinza has not received a petroleum development licence yet since lodging its application in 2008.

The petroleum resources advisory body has not approved the application for a petroleum development licence yet for Twinza and Kua argues, if they rejected it, the landwoners may lose huge sums of money.

Mr Kua alleges MRDC does not have reputable fund manager.

But MRDC in a statement says it does not bear any financial risk (no payments required) until a Gas Agreement is established and it has conducted two independent valuations by two international reputable firms, both confirming the project's quality, feasibility, and profitability.

The company has accused Hon. Kerenga Kua as the longest-serving minister, yet he neglected to implement policy and legislative reforms aimed at enhancing and reshaping the landscape of landowners' and provincial governments direct and indirect equity participation.

It says the Twinza acquisition of  (50%) by the group on commercial terms signifies a shift from the existing status quo.

It further says Gulf Province stands to benefit immensely from its significant role in the Pasca Project.

The Gulf Provincial Government has secured a 10% carried interest in Heheve Ltd, the company that is participating in the Joint Venture.

The Gulf Provincial Government and its beneficiaries also hold indirect interests through its involvement with Petroleum Resources Kutubu (PRK) Gas Resource Pipeline Limited, and Petroleum Resources Gobe (PRG) all shareholders of Heheve.

MRDC says the additional benefits Gulf Provincial Government will derive include royalties and development levies. 

These benefits will pave the way for sustained economic development within the province.

The Pasca A offshore gas project will create 500 permanent jobs and bring in about K30 billion  and K15 billion as revenue during its lifespan.

It’s now into its FEED stage, or Front End Engineering and Design.

It's located 90 kilometres south from the most southern tip of Gulf Province.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

The Dirty Kitchen water

Yes, don't you feel a bit hesitant to have this water from the Dirt Kitchen?

It's business though.

Dirty Kitchen has several joints across Port Moresby and their main attraction is their burger. So yummy and tasty.

But I incline to share here is the water and their water.

We no longer have monopoly in this water business.

There are many brands now and tell you what, because of competition, prices have dropped to as low as K1.00 in major shops and in street canteens.

Monday 3 June 2024

What's the time what's the time: It's Big Rooster time

 Don't you miss the old thriving Big Rooster and the television advertisement- What's the time, What's the time. It's big rooster time.

The taste of the yummy chicken, hot chips and tasty filings is a craving for a lot of us.

The sad realisation though is that most of the Big Rooster shops are shutting and most taken over by other similar fast food outlets.

An example is the for Big Rooster set up at Hohola, before you turn left and head to the Hohola Police Station.

This post does does delve into the business situation and future plans of the Big Rooster chain but rather an appreciation of its service and remembering the brand.

Well I can recall the price and taste of a hot and tasty Big Rooster snack pack at K14.00 ten years ago.

Today the price has gone up. Thanks to inflation but sadly the business is not as thriving as before. 

Like I said before.

But in this business sector, and as PNG transforms in many aspects, there is indeed huge competition from new market players.

Kenmaity, DFC, Hot Rooster and Buffalo Burger  to name but a few.

As we transform and if Big Rooster fades into oblivion, we can just mourn its glory days and tell our children about how tasty, salivating and yummy it was.

Thank you Big Rooster.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Magazine content development (photography, articles, design and printing)

 If you're after a cost saving approach but high quality output in content design, look no further than a team of experienced media personnel at Frontier Media Productions Limited.

We can assist develop a magazine or newspaper product for you.

We have a team comprising photographers, journalists, layout and design personnel (graphic artists) and printing partners.

Our company is registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) and we have an operating bank account.


MRDC and Twinza Oil to partner and develop Pasca A gas project

 Two important agreements between the Mineral Resource Development Corporation and Twinza Oil Limited for the Pasca A project have been signed and sealed in Port Moresby mid this week.

Under the agreements, MRDC will acquire 50 per cent Participating Interest in Twinza’s Pasca A project.

The agreement will also bind MRDC and Twinza to cooperate in the acquisition and development of future oil and gas opportunities in PNG. 

The Pasca A Development project is a large FEED ready offshore project in the Gulf of Papua.

Twinza Oil Limited,100% owner of the project applied for the Petroleum Development License in June 2015 and has complied with all government requests and has been steadily advancing the project while negotiating the Gas Agreement since 2020.

The project is expected to contribute over K30 billion to PNG’s economy and K15 billion revenue to the country over its life-span.

This week, Twinza signed agreements with MRDC to acquire 50% Participating Interest in the project.

MRDC Managing Director, Augustine Mano says this significant transaction represents another milestone in MRDC’s evolution towards a more engaged and active asset owner and manager for PNG.

According to Twinza Executive Chairman, Stephen Quantrill, Twinza is pleased with the execution of the agreements and looks forward to collaborating with MRDC in the development of oil and gas assets in the country.

Petroleum Minister Jimmy Malaina says PNG doesn’t have time to sit on this project, hence must get it off the ground as soon as possible.

Pasca A, when operational will generate around 500 permanent jobs and sufficient US Dollars for Foreign currency into the economy.

Twinza stands ready to proceed with the project as soon as the Gas Agreement is executed and Petroleum Development License is awarded.

Garage Sale in Kokopo

 If you're in Kokopo today.

You got something to look out for.

Kokopo Market Garage Sale 🌺
We are having a Garage Sale at the Kokopo Market Car Park right now for those in kokopo. We cleaned out our store room so there’s heaps to go:

🌸 Offcuts - K5 bags
🌸 Plain fabric rayon and cotton from K20 to K10 for 2yards
🌸 Pot plants and table decorations
🌸 White Theresa fabric from K40 to K20
🌸 Factory damaged kolos at K30
🌸 Earrings and accessories at K2
Everything must go!!

Do not miss this garage sale! 🌸😇
Help us SHARE to hauslain in East New Britain 😇

New look Telikom Rait Kad

Don't be confused.

Telikom now has a new look design for its Rait Kad top cards.

It says: "Feels good to have a new look! We’ve refreshed the design of our K3 Raitkads.

While they look different, they still work the same! Keep an eye out for them from 30th May 2024.

Available from all Telikom retail stores, business offices, participating dealers and resellers."

Thursday 11 April 2024

Vodafone celebrates one year of operations

 Data communications access through smart mobile phones is expected to expand further as more people in rural areas are using them.

Vodafone PNG Chief Executive Officer Pradeep Lal has told Business Advantage they are establishing a robust nationwide network.

He says there is massive opportunity ahead, as surging data use in Papua New Guinea encourages more customers to switch to smart phones.

Vodafone arrived in the country in April 2022 and it has since stamped its mark expanding its reach.

CEO Pradeep Lal says they are on track to roll out 770 towers across 22 provinces and their aim is to create a resilient network spanning the entire country.

Vodafone is also in talks with Digicel and Telikom to co-locate their communication infrastructure.

This, Pradeep Lal told Businees Advantage would cover the unconnected and ensure a comprehensive national coverage.

The Vodafone CEO says  telecommunications is poised to revolutionalise numerous other sectors with the PNG economy as connectivity becomes an important driver in an increasing digital economy.

A research by the Development Policy Centre published last month says data pricing in the country has dropped since 2022.

The Vodafone CEO says they do not incline to engage in a pricing war however they anticipate a gradual decrease in prices through gains in the economies of scale influenced by business growth and expanding customer bases.

Monday 8 April 2024

My online store on Gumroad

 Dear esteemed readers 

I have opened an online store on Gumroad.

This is where I endeavour to sell digital content. 

Greatly appreciate your subscription and where my product meets your needs, I will be grateful for your purchase.

Thank you

Sunday 24 March 2024

Indonesian products cheap near Batas, Wutung

 The last time I visited Indonesian Batas near Wutung in Sandaun was in 2012.

I was a reporter for the National Newspaper and was covering elections in Vanimo.

Since my last visit, I was told today the place has transformed so much that it's like "downtown Port Moresby."

I was gifted this beautiful victory collection "T" shirt. It costs an amazing K10.

The price wowed me.

In Port Moresby it would cost around K30.

Makes me think people who live in West Sepik are able to import this merchandise at reasonable amount paying fair import tax and retail. 

The selling price could be less than K30 in Port Moresby.

Let's do it Sandaun.

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Court refuses mining company's attempt to stop former employee discussing sexual harassment issues in the media

 Justice Derek Woods at the Waigani National Court on Tuesday afternoon refused Ok Tedi Mining Limiteds attempt to stop former employee  Susan Joseph from using the media to make  statements about her separation of employment with the company.

The company had gone to seeking the injunctive relief alleging Ms Jospeh's statements made in the mainstream and social media were defamatory and had tarnished its reputation.

Ok Tedi Mining Company through its lawyer told the court the allegations by Ms Joseph were made through news broadcast on NBC and published by the Sunday Bulletin weekly newspaper were false and defamatory.

Ms Joseph a former supervisor  with the assets protection department at Ok Tedi Mine had gone to the media saying she was sexually assaulted in 2022 and she continued reporting the matter internally and going as far as the Managing Director and CEO but received no attention.

She began with writing a letter to the HR Manager then seeking redress and she raised the issue four times within the company.

Ms Joseph appeared in court for the first time  representing herself.

"I had exhausted all means internally, " Ms Joseph told the court.

"I needed help and the media was there for  me."

She said she was issued a  letter to be made redundant by the same person who sexually  harassed her.

 Justice Woods has assured Ms Joseph she has the right to be heard.

The Ok Tedi Mining company has told the court Ms Joseph was made redundant because of company restructure and  not because of sexual  harassment issues she raised.

Ms Joseph was made redundant on January 15, 2024.

Justice Woods ruled that the balance of convenience does not favour Ok Tedi Mining Limited to stop Ms Joseph from using the media.

An important point Woods noted was the pleading for damages by the company's executive about the damage the company has suffered was not sealed.

He said he was not  satisfied.

The lawyer did admit it was an oversight.

However the company is at liberty to file for a new relief for damages.

Justice Woods has refused Ok Tedi Mining Company's injunctive  relief  but referred the matter for mediation through the alternate dispute resolution.

Meanwhile Ms  Joseph has been  instructed to find a  lawyer to represent her.

Justice  Woods has just cautioned her to slow down on using the social media which ultimately attracts various comments. 

PNG Air takes PUMA Energy to court over fuel supply issues

 PNG Air and PUMA Energy are in court over aviation  fuel supply issues.

The case did not proceed for further hearing as PUMA Energy has responded to providing fuel supply to the airline company.

However the case will return to court in a months time after both parties discuss way forward.

Justice Derek Woods who heard the case has accepted both parties request to adjourn for a month as there has been some notable efforts by PUMA Energy supplying aviation fuel to PNG Air.

PUMA Energy lawyer told the court there is already 12000 barrels of JetA1 fuel tested and are now available.

PUMA Energy and PNG Air have agreed there is no urgency for supply to resume.

PNG Air essentially wants a fair distribution of aviation fuel that is based on the existing fuel supply levels and location agreements.

Justice Woods has made orders that PUMA Energy should supply PNG Air aviation fuel based on the agreement on location, price and supply level.

All parties are to meet in a conference within 10 working days to resolve issues  and there should be adequate fuel supplied till May 15.

PUMA Energy must provide 21 days notice to PNG Air of its efforts to procure and supply fuel until May 15.

PNG Air can refile a notice of motion again in court if  fuel supply issues reoccur.

Justice Woods said the issue can be referred to mediation.

Sunday 3 March 2024

PNG gas corporation executives in the United States

WICHITA, KANSAS: || This week along 1155 North River Boulevard, Wichita, Kansas, the flags of the United States of America and that of Papua New Guinea (PNG) fly side by side, reaffirming the goodwill and long-term friendship between the two peoples and the two countries. 

The historic Campbell Castle Inn Riverside plays host – thanks to owners Terry and Paula Lowry, on this occasion as it houses the Executive Chairman of the National Gas Corporation Limited (NGCL) of PNG, Mr. Alfred Kaiabe, LLB OL who leads a three-men delegation to the US chasing its dreams for “business opportunities” for his company and PNG.

So far, the PNG delegation has visited aerospace (aircraft) manufacturing site at Wichita dubbed as the “air capital of the world”, held a meeting with coffee buyers and processors, and visited a ‘Clinic in the Can’ (mobile clinic) factory. 

Mr. Kaiabe is also set to meet with the executive of Koch Industries before flying to Washington DC where he is set to meet with officials of the World Bank. 

Yesterday, Mr. Kaiabe and his delegation paid a courtesy visit to Mayor of Wichita, Lily Wu at the City Hall and later visited the Sunrise Christian Academy where he was received by Assistant Administrator, Mr. Jeremy Smith who extended “invitation” for PNG students to enroll here. 

Thursday 22 February 2024

Nasfund cumbersome processes to withdraw savings

 What was supposed to be a user friendly process to withdraw a members hard earned savings appear to be "unfriendly".

It's a go come process that's consumed precious times.

All was good for me until at the final stage to send my withdrawal in, I was told to go and get a letter of approval from MiBank again.

Just disappointing.

When I asked why? The officer responded they need to know their main bank account for disbursement. 


Tuesday 20 February 2024

Requirements to open a bank account- MiBank

 MiBank is a growing bank in Papua New Guinea.

In my short observation, mostly grassroots and informal sector citizens are the most popular ones.

It's requirements and process to opening a bank account is very flexible.

Just a one pager form to fill and you need an ID card.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Kokoda Initiative criticised

 The Kokoda Initiative funded by the Australian Government through DFAT has come under immense criticism for its ineptness to administer and develop the famous Kokoda Trail.

Charlie Lynn, an Australian war veteran and former Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Veterans Affairs has come out through a statement with several criticisms and calling out people to be sacked.

Charlie Lynn 


Mr Lynn owns Kokoda Adventure, a tour operator company that manages trekkers who walk the Kokoda Trail.


His comments were made after Justice Susan Purdon-Sully of the Waigani National Court ruled in his favour on Thursday December 14, 2023 that the tour operator license for Charlie Lynn’s Kokoda Adventure which was revoked by the Minister for Environment, Conservation and Climate Change Simo Kilepa should be restored.


Justice Purdon Sully has ordered Minister Simo Kilepa and the acting CEO of the Kokoda Track Authority (KTA), Julius Wargari ‘to take all steps necessary to restore the Commercial Tour Operator’s License for Adventure Kokoda’.


Mr Lynn has now called for the sacking of Kokoda Track Authority CEO, the removal of the DFAT Strategic Advisor from the Kokoda Initiative, the banning of the Australian Kokoda Tour Operators Association (KTOA) from PNG, and the transfer of Kokoda tourism from the PNG Conservation Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) to the Tourism Promotion Authority (TPA).


He has accused the Kokoda Initiative among other things the failure to improve battle sites to enhance the value of the pilgrimage for trekkers, or to assist campsite owners to develop their sites or to even build a single toilet that meets their most basic hygiene needs.


“Since they assumed control of the Kokoda Trail in 2009 I have witnessed tourism numbers fall by 46 percent,” Lynn said


“This has resulted in a cumulative loss of almost $20 million in foregone wages, campsite fees and local purchases for guides, porters, campsite owners and village communities they are supposed to help.”


“They have also failed to make the Trail safe by fixing some of the potential ‘death-traps’ across it or to introduce a single micro-business initiative to assist villagers to earn additional income by providing goods and services to meet the needs of trekkers, or to implement any measures to protect the welfare of their guides and porters,” Lynn said in a statement.

He said PNG must reclaim ownership of the Kokoda Trail from the DFAT funded Kokoda Initiative.

“PNG is now the only country in the world that allows its most popular tourism destination to be managed as an environment product for the benefit of aid-funded government bureaucrats and foreign officials rather than as a tourism enterprise for the economic benefit of traditional landowner communities,” Lynn said.


“The Kokoda Trail has the potential to be a World-Class pilgrimage tourism destination which will provide a sustainable economic future for the owners of land sacred to our shared military heritage.”


“It should no longer be used as a social-environment experiment for the benefit of aid-funded environmentalists, anthropologists, archaeologists, and foreign officials.”


Tuesday 26 September 2023

Bougainville chocolate festival starts in Buka

 Tuesday 26th September 2023


The annual Chocolate Festival is underway.

This year’s three-day event is being hosted out of the Hutjena Oval on Buka Island, under the theme ‘Innovation and Information Sharing to Empower Farmers’.

A float promoting the event was staged yesterday, starting at Haku Constituency leading all the way into Buka Town.

The 5th Chocolate Festival already promises to be bigger and better, with close to 100 participants already booking a space to celebrate the event.

Vice President and Commerce, Trade and Industry Minister Patrick Nisira, the Minister for Technical Services Joseph Mona and the Ministe for Police and Correction Service John Bosco Ragu, as well as representatives from the Australian and New Zealand High Commissions are slated to grace the opening today.

Among events to happen within the festival are a chocolate competition, awards for best cocoa blocks, school quiz and debates, seminars to highlight new skills and techniques to cocoa farmers, an open visit to the Department of Primary Industries Chocolate testing facility at Kubu and cocoa games.

The major event is the cocoa sampling of beans from across the region.

Doctor James Butubu of the Department of Primary Industries, says over 33 samples have been received from farmers across Bougainville and 15 have so far passed the test of beign good samples that can be converted to producing chocolate.

Doctor Butubu further says, Bougainville remains one of the biggest producers of cocoa in the country, over 150-thousand tons annually, which equates to between 120 and 150-million Kina.

The Chocolate Festival is hosted by the Bougainville Partnership Program of the Australian High Commission, but there’s already a submission to the Autonomous Bougainville Government to take ownership of the event.

The ABG is eyeing the industry for downstream processing to boost quality among farmers while at the same time generate internal revenues through encouragement of cottage industries.

*NBC Bougainville News

Criteria for pap smear