Showing posts with label Features. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Features. Show all posts

Sunday 30 June 2024

What's good Kina boy?

 Sometimes you gotta love the delays. As they say patience is a virtue.

So in this piece I share how I love My Kina and Kina Bank. Ooops sounds mouthful but it sound right.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

National Housing and Population Census 2024 and its hiccups

 Today Papua New Guinea started on its important national event that happens every ten years.

It's the enumeration of every household and human beings referenced to June 16, 2024.

Essentially what this means is where were you sleeping that evening.

The government is said to have released K153 million for thos event but with cumbersome financial processes or appears funds were disbursed to provinces only few days before the start today.

The plan was that enumerators would use tablets or IPADS and collect data which will be electronically send to the data centre in Port Moresby with live updates on a desktop. 

Sadly though this did not happen.

Enumerators were using notes and stationery they purchased on their own.

Monday 17 June 2024

The country's public broadcaster embarks on digital radio and TV transformation after 50 years

 The National Broadcasting Corporation, a state owned media that transitioned from the ABC Australia prior to indpedence in 1973 celebrated its 50 years of service in 2023.

From analog radio to digital, then it introduced Television in 2008, website in 2024 and soon a newspaper.

It's embarked on a serious A2D project, just a fancy but simplified way of saying analogue to digital.

What's happening is that it will have its own digital television in high definition and a playbox

Monday 10 June 2024

South Pacific Nurses forum

 It's been 34 years since Papua New Guinea hosted the South Pacific Nurses forum.

The country took the honour this year hosting the 21 Nurses Forum.

Members from Pacific Island countries and Australia and New Zealand attended.

In Australia, the Aboringal and Torres Strait Islanders health and nurses program representatives also attended.

The theme was "our nurses our future ".

Private organisations like Santos who has a massive health program for its staff also attended.

A highlight for the three days summit was the launch of a nursing program by Papua New Guinea's National Department of Health.

At the conclusion and a farewell gala dinner, gifts were exchanged and friendship forged in a true Pacific ways.

A nurse originally from Niue but now based in New Zealand opened the dinner with a prayer.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Eating out in Port Moresby

 This is noodles and duck at the Ang Restaurant in Port Moresby. 

You find  this place opposite the Brian Bell Plaza at Gordons in Port Moresby and right from the hardware. 

Monday 3 June 2024

The Internal Revenue Commission's year in review for 2023

 Well done to Sam Koim and the team for their accountability and transparency in reporting about what they have done in the last 12 months.

Since 2020, tax revenue collections have surged, doubling from K8 billion to just about K16 billion in 2023, withing a span of three years.

This achievement is notable considering factors such as the K280 million foregone due to Salary Wages Tax tax free threshold increase to K20,000 and the closure of the Porgera Gold Mine during the same period.

Commissioner General Sam Koim said that last years performance was remarkable given that there was a substantial drop of around 30% in oil prices (from a high of US$123 to US$ 85 per barrel) compared to 2022.

Boarding Qantas from Port Moresby

 Here are some basic but important information you should know when boarding a Qantas flight.

They are now back in Port Moresby and doing routes to Sydney.

Any carry-on baggage exceeding the allowable weights will have to be checked in.

Please consider the sizes of carry on baggage as well.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Missionary Aviation Fellowship adds a fleet to land on water in PNG

 Thank you MAF.

They have added a fleet to their aeroplanes, this plane that can land on water.

The Sepik region certainly needs this service.

The Samaritan Aviation has been the one to go in emergencies, disaster and helping river communities reach your destinations comfortably.

But this one is for Western Province.

MAF says after almost six hours of total flight time from Mareeba, Australia, to PNG via Horn Island and Daru, MAF’s new floatplane P2-WET touched down on Lake Murray at 2pm yesterday.

It was welcomed with great cheers by the onlooking community. After some manoeuvres on the lake, the plane rested overnight at Kiunga.
MAF’s amphibious project has been supported by PNG SDP and we are looking forward to utilise this aircraft together to bring help, hope and healing to many various lake and riverside communities in the near future.

Farewell a voice that has faded

 The National Broadcasting Corporation newsroom has lost a voice for radio and television.

The late Lisa Pagelio was the head of news and current affairs who passed away after a short illness.

She started working with the NBC after graduating from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1995.

Ms Pagelio held the position of Chief Sub Editor and twelve months ago was promoted to be the executive director news and current affairs.

She was one of those pioneer TV news presenters for the Kundu 2 Television and now NBC Television.

Staff praised Lisa as an all rounder who even assumes journalism roles in working on news and presenting despite being at the top level management.

Chief National Editor Radio Maivo Lafanama said: "Blown away with the May wind, A beautiful voice wrapped in a special package! Death is a thief, now I understand why!

💔A loss so devastating, For I am only human to question."

Friday 31 May 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Water is commodity

 Easy to sell. Every body needs water today. 

So you can realise there is actually competition in sale of water.

Thursday 2 May 2024

Nuku District: acknowledge our past to drive our future

 This is by far one of my productions that I liked the script.

We could have done it better as far as post production was concerned.

It was in fact my first production under my registered media company then.

I encourage young people of Nuku to watch this documentary.

Take inspiration from the stories told in 30 minutes.

George is an inspiration.

Watch 👇👇👇👇👇📣📣📣📣

Nuku is lucky to have people like honorable Joe Sungi who is leading the move to change the place.

Sunday 28 April 2024

Pure Water for homes

 It's K74 for  a new purchase  and K24 for exchange just to refill. In fact you swap hand in your used water cooler holder and get a new one.

Check out the gas stations in Port Moresby for your family's benefit.

Now that's an incredible go to price. Water is life.

Monday 15 April 2024

Where do you get a quality food at wee hours in the morning

 Check this young Central Province lad whose passion for cooking has inspired him to do late night cheffing outside an entertainment centre.

Yep. He is based at the Armani Club at Gordon's in Port Moresby.

Here is his slight menu in picture and this is from what you as a customer may ask based on your budget.

He can consider it though his package would be K35.

This one 👆👆 costs K20.

It's got a nice lamb meat that was marinated and cooked well. There's less fat from what you find at other late night road markets.

His got pieces of potato, some ginger and fresh water crash.

His hours of cheffing starts around 10pm and ends early the next day.

Have you read veteran journalist Malum Nalu's blog

 Have you surfed Malum Nalu's blog.

Well his blog created in 2008 has millions of views and is monetised.

Yes, no 💰 is needed to monetise it. Literally you make no payment to open the blog and start earning.

You just need your writing skills and that passion to craft content attracting readership.

One you meet certain criteria set by Google Adsense you can embed the code to your blog and start earning USD.

In 2015, Malum cashed $3000 and that's about K10, 000 for his Christmas.

The money was paid direct to his PNG Bank account.

Yes that's the fact about the Google Adsense payment gateway by Google.

The money you earn from YouTube monetisation can also be paid out to you the same way.

So don't be discouraged, keep writing to earn.

As far as content strategy is concerned.

Expand your thoughts on a topic and discuss or expound on it, be focused that you incline to hook that readers interest, then deliver the punch that should have a lot of suspense to get the reader continue reading till the end.

Avoid click baiting. Target quality readership who like reading thesis.

Let your writing be your passive income.

Don't be discouraged now if the earnings are not that good. Imagine the future. Keep writing.

How to start your blog on blogger is easy.

Open a GMAIL account and go to

You choose your blogspot name eg malumnalu and your blogspot web address becomes

 Now start putting content. You can upload pictures and videos.

Then you go to settings and click monetisation. There you activate Google Adsense which should be opened under the same email as you started your blog.

If your email is different, simply copy the code and embed in an HTML widget, you should see Google ads within 24 hours.

Friday 12 April 2024

Journalist becomes a lawyer

 During my journalism studies at the Divine Word University in Madang my lecturer now Dr Kevin Pamba PhD said after journalism do law.

He said studying law after journalism blends well.

Congratulations to Maivo Lafanama.

Business partners for advertising

 Hello esteemed friends and potential business partners.

I am looking for sponsorship to support content development and sharing.

We'd like to promote citizen journalism but people have to be compensated for their effort in writing and contributing pictures.

How does it work.

I would like to engage writers who contribute to my blog under various genres.

Commentaries, features, business articles, sport, exposing PNG champions etc

But we pay them for contributing stories and pictures.

When you advertise with us at minimum K10 per day.

You help us pay these writers or contributors.

So you can book a space with us for K10  x 30 days. That's K300 a month.

We will promote our content in social media.

How does it work.

You design your advertisment based on size we provide the we will create HTML and embed to the blog and it will be online.

It's expires to be live on site when the payment term expires.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Contact email


Saturday 30 March 2024

National Broadcasting Corporation provincial radio station IDs

In case you forgot.

These are the provincial stations identifications.


NBC Morobe, Nek Bilong Kundu

NBC Madang Nek Bilong Garamut

NBC East Sepik Nek Bilong Sepik 

NBC Sandaun Maus Bilong Sandaun


NBC Manus Nek Bilong Chauka 

NBC  New Ireland Nek Bilong Drogo 

NBC East New Britain Nek  Bilong Tavurvur

NBC West New Britain Nek Bilong Tavur  

NBC Bougainville Nek Bilong Sankamap 


NBC Western The Voice of the Sunset

NBC Gulf The Voice of the Seagull 

NBC Central Kibi Gadona 

NBC Milne Bay Voice of the Kula 

NBC Northern Voice of Oro 


NBC Souhern Highlands Nek Bilong Muruk 

NBC Enga Karai Bilong Miok 

NBC Western Highlands Nek Bilong Tarangau

NBC Eastern Highlands Krai Bilong Kumul

NBC Simbu Krai Bilong Mambu

Sunday 24 March 2024

Elevala lass is 50th Hiri Hanenamo queen

 The story of the famous Hiri trade on the southern coast of Papua New Guinea is more than 50 years old.

But commemoration of this significant cultural trade is this year 2024 reached 50.


Part of the event is crowning of the Hiri Hanenamo queen and this year is a beautiful lass from Ele Vala ( a hamlet in the big Hanuabada village) just near Port Moresby Technical College. 

She is Henao Heni.

Steamship Trading Company who had been in Papua New Guinea doing business before the country's birth in 1975 is the major financial supporter.

A home on the Sepik River collapses


This is an account by Emmanuel Peni who lost his home due to floods in the Sepik region.

I lost my house this morning due to the floods amd the earthquake.  At 9.30am, standing at this fancy hotel lobby, wearing H&M jeans and a shoe bought in Sydney  's QBV, and seeing people in png struggling gives me perspectives. 

 I just saw a disabled child walking by the hotel, at the gate, dressed in rags looking into the hotel with wonder and realised:  the issue of my house falling over and collapse,  due to flooding amd the earthquake last night,  is by measure of human suffering,  nothing.  I long for peace.   

This I know we can not attain, but this perspective keeps me going on and balances my loss and pain.  ❤️❤️🙂❤️😎

The East Sepik Provincial government is responding to the disaster. 

Read here what Governor Allan Bird said.

Criteria for pap smear