Sunday 24 March 2024

A home on the Sepik River collapses


This is an account by Emmanuel Peni who lost his home due to floods in the Sepik region.

I lost my house this morning due to the floods amd the earthquake.  At 9.30am, standing at this fancy hotel lobby, wearing H&M jeans and a shoe bought in Sydney  's QBV, and seeing people in png struggling gives me perspectives. 

 I just saw a disabled child walking by the hotel, at the gate, dressed in rags looking into the hotel with wonder and realised:  the issue of my house falling over and collapse,  due to flooding amd the earthquake last night,  is by measure of human suffering,  nothing.  I long for peace.   

This I know we can not attain, but this perspective keeps me going on and balances my loss and pain.  ❤️❤️🙂❤️😎

The East Sepik Provincial government is responding to the disaster. 

Read here what Governor Allan Bird said.

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