Monday 25 March 2024

Guys let's get our stories recorded by writing

 There's  no more difficulties with you and me not owning a platform to publish our stories. 

We don't need big printers and cameras and satellite for TV broadcast or transmitters for radio signals. 

Here, your mobile phone and internet data connection is your platform.

You are reading this from a free blog site from blogger.

Just open a GMAIL account go to and  create your free blogspot.

Take pictures with your mobile phone, write any story that you want your blog to publish and publish.

You are on the roll.

Share  your publications on social media and drive traffic.

You can earn money by activating Google Adsense.

Alternatively to earn higher income, you can liaise with companies to display their advertisement on your blog site. 

They send the advert to you and you use Elfsight to create HTML tags  and embed that to your website, the ads are now live.

You can charge probably K10 for 24 hours depending on your traffic and reach. 

Our stories can best be digitised by writing and publishing videos or photos.

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