Sunday 24 March 2024

Sandis Tsaka re-elected PNGRFL Chairman

Sandis Tsaka was re-elected as the Chairman of the PNG Rugby Football League following the Annual General Meeting held at the Lae International Hotel yesterday. 

Sandis Tsaka was voted in for the fourth time as the Chairman of Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League. 

He received 32 votes while his opposing candidate Tony Sipa received 13 votes. 

NBC Sports is awaiting an official statement with details from the PNG Rugby Football League however many supporters of Tsaka have already posted on social media about the successful re-election of Sandis Tsaka.  

In other outcomes of the PNGRFL AGM, Jacob Ivaroa is said to be the new Chairman of the PNGRFL Southern Confederate, ousting former Chairman Gwaibo Mairi who held that post for a long time. 

Sources who attended the AGM stated that Ivaroa won the race with 10 votes while Gwaibo Mairi got 3 votes. 

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