Saturday 23 March 2024

NBC regional journalists trained to use mobile journalism

 Mobile Journalism or MOJO is now the cliche in producing news as technology advances and making production kits portable.

NBC Managing Director Kora Nou urging journalists to look after MOJO kits. Senior camera man Wari Ila videos using the MOJO kit

Regional journalists from across the country took part in a training facilitated by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation International Development (ABCID) to use MOJO kits. 

They were presented with the kits to ply their trades in respective provinces.

NBC Board Chairman Ian Tarutia apprrciated the journalists and encouraged them to continue committing to their profession.

Mr Tarutia said the most important asset is any organisation is human capital and with him at the helm since July last year, their focus would be to ensure staff are looked after.

Despite dilapidated infrastructure like buildings that are as old a 50 years, the organisation will embark on revitalizing them and ensuring NBC remains relevant for its viewers and listeners. 

Mr Tarutia has suggested town hall meetings to engage with the provincial on a regular basis to outline what the board and executive management desires and to get updates from what is happening in provinces.

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