Showing posts with label All News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All News. Show all posts

Monday 17 June 2024

Public servants directed to be engaged in census

 Public Services Minister Joe Singh has issued a "direction" that all public servants through out the country should support the 2024 Census without requesting allowances.

He said Secretary Taes Sansan would have already issued a circular on this.

Mr Sungi  was with Prime Minister James Marape and the Administrative Services Minister Richard Masere.

The Prime Minister has stressed everyone should ensure they are counted, no one should be left behind.

The census starts on June 17 and ends on June 30.

Pacific Engagement Visa to deepen cultural connections, boost business and educational ties between PNG and Australia

Papua New Guinea nationals can now register for Australia's new
Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV), providing new opportunities to live,
work and study in Australia.

The PEV, which officially launched in PNG on Wednesday 12 June,
will enable up to 1,350 PNG citizens to migrate to Australia as
permanent residents each year.

The PEV program will grow Australia's PNG diaspora community,
deepen cultural connections, boost business, and educational ties
between Australia and PNG and support broader economic
development in the region.

The PEV program works by randomly selecting successful
applicants, who can then apply for the visa, providing an
equitable, streamlined, and transparent system.

Applicants must secure a formal ongoing job offer in Australia and
meet health and character requirements, before being granted a

The PEV responds directly to requests for greater regional mobility,
delivering education, skills and economic and development
dividends for the region, and linking us more closely together.

PNG nationals participating in the program will have access to a
range of supports, including migrant settlement services, English
language programs, public schools and healthcare, and financial
supports to encourage participation in study and training.

-Press Release

Sunday 16 June 2024

King Charles III Honours List 2024


Arthur Llewellyn JONES, OBE

For service to Business and to the Community




To be an Ordinary Knight Commander of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order:


For services to Business and to the Community


To be Ordinary Commanders of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Andrew Charles ABEL

For services to the Surfing Industries 

Ahmed Bin ISMAIL

For services to Business and to the Community.

Ian Alan TARUTIA, O.B.E.

For services to Business and to the Public and Private Sectors


To be Ordinary Officers of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Victor GABI

For services to the Public


For Public Service

Williamson HOSEA

For Public Service

Beatrice MAHURU

For services to the Private Sector

Sosepe Kerowa MAMINTI

For services to the Private Sector

Captain Philip Leonard MARSHALL

For services to the Aviation Industries

Joe Kenken MOK

For services to the Real Estate Industry


To be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Aria ASI

For services to the Public

Philip ALU

For services to Education

Steven Enomb KILANDA

For Public Service


For services to the Community


For services to the Electoral Commission




Terence ALUNA

For services to Central Government and to the Community


For services to the Community 

Captain David FAITHFUL

For services to Lutheran Shipping in Lae, Morobe Province


For services to the Community

Michael KELENA

For services to the Public


For services to the Community and to Education

George NOBLE

For Public Service




To be an Ordinary Commander of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Commodore Philip POLEWARA, MBE 

Papua New Guinea Defence Force


To be an Ordinary Officer of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Colonel Dominic BULUNGOL, M.B.E.

Papua New Guinea Defence Force


To be an Ordinary Members of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order

Colonel Tony ASEAVU

Papua New Guinea Defence Force

Colonel Dickers ESSO

Papua New Guinea Defence Force

Colonel Tony OAWA

Papua New Guinea Defence Force




Warrant Officer Joseph DALID

         Chief Warrant Officer Eddie FOIAP

Chief Warrant Officer Silas HUAZIEMBE

        Chief Warrant Officer Jacob YAKEA

Authorised by: 


Bill Toraso

a/Official Secretary

Government House

Wednesday 12 June 2024

NCDC funds census work in Port Moresby

 The National Capital District Commission and the National Statistical Office have partnered in terms of financing to conduct census in the nation's capital.

Four days away before the two weeks of counting people start, NCDC has signed a memorandum of agreement to fund the the census work with K600,000.

These monies should go to training of enumeraters and other associate programs before and during census.

City Manager Ravu Frank said they are ready to assist to ensure the census was successful in Port Moresby.

A total of 1,300 enumeraters would count people across three electorates or districts nd they include the Motu Koita people in NCD.

Three chief executive officers from each electorate ( Moresby South, North East and North West), were present during the signing of the agreement.

For the Motu Koita Assembly its executive officer attended. 

National Statistician John Igitoi was frank saying the census was an important national event. Currently the government is using outdated or obsolete data to make decisions and it needs latest up to date data for reaslitics planning and implementation of services. 

He highlighted education and health sectors as among key ones that the government has to plan well.

There will be a reference night on Sunday evening before enumeration starts next Monday and Mr Igitoi says they are working on using a tight K153 million budget to successfully deliver the census.

While this money may sound big, he has hinted contingency needs for funding were not considered.

Monday 10 June 2024

Sir Julius Chan condemns continuous fakes news about him dying

 Sir Julius Chan, one of the country’s oldest and longest serving politicians has called for the Department of Information and Communications Technology to investigate and prosecute those who are behind fake social media accounts and spreading fake news that he has died.

Dispelling the fake news spread may be 100 times as the New Ireland Provincial Government releases a statement this weekend, they say Sir Julius is alive and well.

Sir Julius described that continuous spreading of fake news as the work of the wicked who have no rest and it appears he has been resurrected a 100th time.

He further says it appears someone is hell bent to send him off to the pearly gates of heaven and he is still holding onto the golden keys to heaven.

Sir Julius is adamant those spreading fake news will be caught by police soon.

Sunday 9 June 2024

The opposition can file a vote of no confidence motion in September

 Prime Minister James Marape's government is not safe from any vote of no confidence yet after controversially adjourning  Parliament using its numerical strength of 69 members.

Former Chief Justice Sir Arnold Amet says after 18 months of a grace period, a motion to  vote against a Prime Minister can be moved anytime when Parliament meets.

Mr Amet also clarified that any member in the opposition can be a nominee to be Prime Minister.

The opposition says it has engaged lawyers to go through Hansard Records and file a case in the  Supreme Court for interpretation.

They will be asking the court for a recall of Parliament immediately.

Speaker Job Pomat has said he would also go to court and ask the court to interpret whether a decision by the Private Business Committee finding the motion of no confidence defective because names of endorsers were written incorrectly. 

The interesting thing with the move by the Speaker is that courts might say it is a waste of courts time when anyone makes a decision and runs to court to seek justification or validation.

A common practice is the affected person  or party does that.

So it would be a very interesting approach taken by the Speaker of Parliament.

Opposition members walked out of Parliament in protest when Speaker opted for a vote to overrule the decision by the Private Business Committee and asking Parliament to vote whether a motion to change the Prime Minister should be put on notice paper the following day.

Parliament voted 69 votes to nil against putting the motion on notice paper.

They adjourned parliament to September as well.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Pacific nurses conclude regional forum

 A three days meeting of the Pacfic nurses concluded on a high note in Port Moresby.

The highlight was a nursing curriculum launched by the presidents. 

Gifts were presented to participants from Pacific Island countries nurses and doctors who came from as far as Tonga and Samoa.

The Tongan group put up a dance written and originally sang by their Queen Salute.

In their culture, when that song is performed the audience contributes or pays money to the queen.

The Tongan team said they have been gifted alot and did not need any money but the PNG audience blessed their performance with some cash.

A Samoan nurse and deputy president for their nurses association was discouraged from coming by her family because of the news about the January 10 civil unrest in Port Moresby.

She despised their discouragement and arrived in Port Moresby and the news of the landslide in Mulitaka,  Enga Province, people buried by landslide and died, drove her into tears.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

PNG opposition unsuccessful to oust Prime Minister James Marape

 Papua New Guinea Parliament went into a fiery heated debate between the opposition and Speaker Job Pomat after his annoucement of defects in the filing of a notice to move a vote of no confidence against Prime Minister James Marape.

It took a 75 minutes of heated exchange, a point of order after a point of order, when opposition members described the decision by the private business committee chaired by the Speaker as biased and reasons for declining the motion to be put on notice paper as "parochial". 

The speaker appeared to be contradicting himself saying it was a matter of national importance but yet attempted every instance  to vigorously defend it.

After sometime, he finally made up his mind to override the private business committee's decision and allow the motion to be put on notice paper and moved in Parliament the next day (Thursday).


James Marape appoints acting ministers

 Prime Minister James Marape, has announced the acting appointments of five ministers, in place of those who were removed after they joined the Opposition.

They include, Labour and Employment Minister, Kessy Sawang for Housing, Petroleum Minister Jimmy Maladina as Energy Minister, Ian Ling-Stuckey, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister, for Finance, Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs Minister, Soroi Eoe, for Tourism, Arts and Culture, as well as Education Minister, Lucas Dekena, as Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and Sports.

Mr Marape says, the acting appointments are to watch over the respective Ministries and keep the departments running, while Cabinet decides on the fixed appointments.

He adds, the opportunity given by this Vote of No Confidence helps him, the coalition party leaders and Pangu Pati, to look again at the Cabinet line-up.

Renbo Paita eligible to challenge Prime Minister James Marape in a VONC

 Registrar of Political Parties and Candidates Emmanuel Pok has dispelled fake social media posts that the nomination of Finschaffen MP Renbo Paita to challenge Prime Minister James Marape in a vote of no confidence was wrong.

The fake news claims they are from the same party and thus Paita was ineligible.

Mr Pok says his office does not interfere with affairs of political parties and he further clarified the 2010 Supreme Courts ruling that nullified 12 provisions in the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates (OLIPPAC) now allows members to move as they wish from government to opposition or vice versa.

He told the media Mr Paita being a citizen of Papua New Guinea and a Member of Parliament has every right to contest and be elected as Prime Minister. 

Mr Pok described recent moves as "things are in order".

Administratively through, when MPs move they sort out their membership with their party and the officer of the registrar of parties and candidates.

Mr Pok says any MPs defection would be considered subject to the party's constitution and his office does not interfere with party councils decisions.

You can listen to Registrar Emmanuel Pok's statement here (audio )

Monday 3 June 2024

Education department to review contract of a company

 The Education Department will review a contract awarded to a company whose owner and director was charged by the Australian Federal Police for  smuggling 71.5 kg of methamphetamine from PNG to Australia last year.

The ABC ran a story in February, revealing 41-year old Mei Lin, who is the owner  of the  contracting company-KC2 charged by the Australian Federal Police in Brisbane.

Education Secretary Dr. Uke Kombra says the department will review the contract for school supplies given to the person, allegedly involved in drug dealing.

He says when the contract was given, there was no such record at that time.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Living in a yacht in Port Moresby

 It's just like home.

In some countries, people sleep in their cars. Yes indeed.

New York can be the most popular city of business but there are people who sleep in their cars because they can't afford a rent.

Monday 27 May 2024

Supreme Court declares 12 provisions of OLIPPAC unconstitutional

Twelve provisions of the organic law were nullified in 2010.

Click link below and read the Supreme Court's decision 

OLIPPAC nullified

Sunday 26 May 2024

Momentum on for a vote of no confidence against James Marape

 About this time five years ago Prime Minister James Marape resigned as Finance Minister serving then Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.

Mr O'Neill was on an official trip to New Ireland when the unexpected happened.

This time Marape's key general and Finschaffen MP Renbo Paita has defected from Marape's government.

A move Marape described as dissenting to the decorum of his Cabinet and he will decommission Paita. 

The other fellow Morobe MP and a Cabinet Minister who will be decommissioned as well is Dr Kobby Bomareo, the member for Tewai Siassi and Minister for Housing. 

Political commentators are confident that there will be a new government elected during this sitting of Parliament but unfazed Prime Minister James Marape says he is not resigning and Prime Minister's are changed by voting on the floor of Parliament.

He said a strong 41 Pangu Pati MPs are with him and have communicated to him their allegiance.

Pangu Pati won 38 seats post 2022 National General Elections and was invited by the Governor General Sir Bob Dadae to form government. 

Morobe province had the most number of Pangu MPs elected to this Parliament term. 

Departure of government MPs a blessing in disguise for James Marape

Prime Minister James Marape has described the departure of 18 Members of Parliament, including five ministers from the Pangu Pati last night as a 'blessing in disguise'.

He says this is a blessing in disguise, so that some of the excess fat in government is trimmed to create a lean and coherent government.

Prime Minister Marape has asked Papua New Guineans to respect their choice of trading and thank them for being part of his government while wishing them well.

He says this is a play for a Vote of No Confidence and wish them well to assemble an alternative team and a policy series that is better than Pangu and its coalition team.

The alternate government has nominated the Governor for East Sepik, Allan Bird as the alternate Prime Minister in the February parliament sitting when the last motion was filed.

Prime Minister Marape says 41 Pangu members and coalition MPs have called him to show support.

Meantime, Parliament will resume on Tuesday where the alternate team is expected to file a motion of vote of No Confidence in the Prime Minister.

And on Wednesday, the Private Members Committee will convene to deliberate on the motion.

Monday 20 May 2024

Malaysian conviction of 22 years quashed by National Court

 A Malaysian national has successfully appealed in the National Court in Waigani for his district court conviction to be quashed.

 Tan Kneng Soon ,29, from Kuala Lumpur was convicted and sentenced by the district to a total of 22 years and fined a sum of K45,000 as well in October 2023.

He was arrested and charged on two counts for receiving financial benefits from controlled substances in methamphetamine and cannabis.

Soon was arrested and charged with another Malaysian Leon Aungfong,42,  and two other Papua New Guineans. A taxi driver from Southern Highlands and a female from Korobosea, National Capital District.

Police alleged that on November 16, 2022 they had large quantities of methamphetamine weighing 174kg and 80 grams of cannabis which are of commercial quantity.

They were charged as having in possession of controlled substances.

Soon and the Papua New Guineans pleaded not guilty except Aungfong.

Soon was sentenced to a total of 22 years and fined a sum of K45, 000 but appealed the district court’s conviction  in the national court and Justice Paulus Dowa has quashed his conviction.

Justice Dowa referred the matter back to the district court mainly because of procedural errors.

Justice Paulus Dowa considered that the 29 year old Soon was not given natural justice at the district court by having an interpreter translate to him so that he could understand the charges.

Justice Dowa also considered that Soon did not give his allocatus- a statement made by the accused found guilty before a sentence is imposed.

He said such lapses in procedure renders the conviction and sentence unsafe because the accused is not given an opportunity to say something which could have had an impact on the type of sentence imposed.

Justice Dowa also considered the sentence was excessive and not within the district court’s jurisdiction. The charge of being in possession of 80 grams of cannabis as a controlled substance was also an error. Cannabis is not a controlled substance.

The state prosecution has consented to most of the grounds of appeal by Soon.

Justice Dowa said the charges against Soon were serious and in the national interest and public policy the matter is referred back to the district court and a new magistrate will hear the case. His K45,000 fine would be refunded.

Just a background to the case

It was at 4pm on November 16, 2022 police nabbed the taxi driver from Southern Highlands at the PNG Air cargo terminal at seven mile in Port Moresby.

This was after PNG Air staff reported to police after scans found some unusual cargo the taxi driver intended to send. 

The taxi driver led police to the female from Korobosea waiting in the taxi who then led them to a unit at Rangeview that belongs to Aungfong. 

He admitted having methamphetamine and cannabis at his unit and while police were searching found Soon upstairs. They were all arrested, charged and detained.


Thursday 2 May 2024

Police officer charged for investigating Police Commissioner David Manning

A Police officer investigating criminal allegations against  commissioner of police David Manning has been arrested and charged for causing disaffection within the police force.

Senior Sergeant Tinol Pakiapon is still locked up at Boroko cells since his arrest yesterday by members of NCD police.

NCD Metsupt Silva Sika says Pakiapon is charged under section 136 of the police act 1998 for causing disaffection within members of RPNGC. 

NCD Metsupt Silva Sika says Pakiapon's bail has been refused as he is still being interviewed by members of the criminal investigations division.

Metsupt Sika says a part from his criminal charge he is also suspended for 21 days on three serious disciplinary charges. 

Pakiapon was investigating allegations of rape and murder against Commissioner David Manning at the time of  his arrest.

Several legal ptactioners have seen the arrest of  Pakiapon as an attempt to pervert the course of justice. 

A senior  lawyer who wished to remain anonymous says Detective Senior Sergeant Tinol Pakiapon was just executing his  constitutional duty and his arrest is uncalled for.

Meanwhile the penalty for causing disaffection under the police act 1998 is prison term not exceeding 5 years.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Two Mile Hill settlers in Port Moresby allowed to file claim against the state

 Acting Judge Pauline Bre has refused the states application to dismiss a 16 year old case for claims against the state.

Peter Null and 313 others took the state, the National Capital District Commission and a former acting police commissioner, now deceased Fred Sheekiot to court.

They alleged unlawful raid and destruction by police and NCDC officials to their dwellings and properties  on 30 November 2006 at Pruth Street, 2 Mile Hill, National Capital District.

The state then filed an application to dismiss the case for non compliance with section 5 notice just when the matter was going for trial in 2023.

It argued the section 5 notice was addressed to the Attorney General then Fred Tomo but it should have been addressed to the Head of Department or the Secretary of the Justice Department or the Solicitor General.

The state further argued that the Attorney General is not an office lawfully recognized to receive a section 5 notice.

Another argument by the state was that the claims against the state presented in a letter did not provide details of tortfeasers- an individual or entity that has been found to have committed a civil offense that injures another party.

After careful considerations on submissions and law, Acting Judge Bre said the section 5 notice was sufficiently served to the acting Attorney General Fred Tomo.

Acting judge Bre also considered the long period it had taken to settle the issue.

She said it is unjust and an abuse of process for the state to raise preliminary issues of Section 5 notice at the very late stage of the proceedings.

She also said details of individuals or entities found to have committed an offence should have been raised earlier.

Acting Judge Bre was set to hear the matter in late 2023 when the issue was raised and trial vacated.

The claims by Peter Null and 313 others at Two Mile Hill in Port Moresby will now go to trial with a date to be set.

Monday 29 April 2024

Susan Joseph still needs legal representation

 A female and former employee of the Ok Tedi Mining Limited taken to court for alleged defamatory social media posts against her former employer is still to seek legal support from the public solicitors office.

Susan Joseph told the court today she followed up with the public solicitors office last Friday and was informed her request for a lawyer was still in the process.

Justice Derek Woods has advised her to go back to the public solicitors and inform them that the matter was mentioned in court today.

Lawyers march to promote rule of law

Justice Woods said it can take sometime to engage a lawyer unfortunately.

The Ok Tedi Mining Limited had taken Susan Joseph to court seeking injunctive orders against making defamatory remarks relating to her separation of employment with the company.

Ms Joseph has alleged her separation of employment was a result of her complaints about sexual harassment.

The matter was referred to mediation for both parties but a solution was not reached and they would participate in a second round of mediation.

Ms Joseph has not filed any defence yet and Justice Woods has cautioned her time has expired for her to file a defence and Ok Tedi can take further action.

Her main challenge in filing a defence is not having access to legal representation.

Sunday 14 April 2024

Visa On Arrival for Filipinos

 Papua New Guinea and Philippines will commemorate 50th anniversary of being friends next year 2025.

This bilateral friendship is expected to reach new heights with new and diversified cooperation agreements.

The latest one being high on agenda at a policy consultation meet in Manila in the last week is Visa On Arrival scheme for Philippines passport holders.

Currently they arrive in PNG by applying online for a tourist or business visa.

PNG has waived visa schemes with Japan, Indonesia, Israel, China and the Melanesian Spearhead Group countries.

Philippines Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo said they expect the bilateral friendship to reach new heights.

Criteria for pap smear