Saturday 8 June 2024

Pacific nurses conclude regional forum

 A three days meeting of the Pacfic nurses concluded on a high note in Port Moresby.

The highlight was a nursing curriculum launched by the presidents. 

Gifts were presented to participants from Pacific Island countries nurses and doctors who came from as far as Tonga and Samoa.

The Tongan group put up a dance written and originally sang by their Queen Salute.

In their culture, when that song is performed the audience contributes or pays money to the queen.

The Tongan team said they have been gifted alot and did not need any money but the PNG audience blessed their performance with some cash.

A Samoan nurse and deputy president for their nurses association was discouraged from coming by her family because of the news about the January 10 civil unrest in Port Moresby.

She despised their discouragement and arrived in Port Moresby and the news of the landslide in Mulitaka,  Enga Province, people buried by landslide and died, drove her into tears.

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What's good Kina boy?