Thursday 27 June 2024

Waigani court commits suspects policemen involved in alleged murder

 The Waigani District court this morning committed six police men and one civilian to trial at the national court for alleged killing of Kimoly Dagoba.

The deceased is the son of the Provincial Administrator of Hela province, Marago Dagoba.

The Hela Provincial Administrator and relatives of the deceased welcomed the court decision this morning.

The seven accused appeared before Magistrate Albert Daniels at the Waigani district court.

The suspects comprising of three regular police personnel and four civilians of who are alleged impersonators were jointly charged with the alleged murder of Kimoly under section 300 subsection 1A of the Criminal Code.

Magistrate Daniels made the decision this morning after police file was ready and the lawyer representing the seven accused was not present in court to defend the suspects.

Father of the deceased told the media outside the court house this morning that he’s relieved that justice has taken its course and the suspects allegedly involved in the death of his son will now stand trial at the national court.

He further called on the police commissioner and police hierarchy to be vigilant and screen members of the force properly to ensure there are no impersonators.

According to police reports in court, the body of the deceased was discovered on the 28th of November 2023 and the seven suspects linked to the alleged murder were apprehended and locked up in the same week.

The seven defendants committed are all between the ages of 23 to 33.

Magistrate Daniel informed them of their rights, including re-emphasizing to them their innocence until proven guilty by the courts.

The matter has been adjourned to the district court registry for the suspects to prepare their response to the court’s decision.

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What's good Kina boy?