Sunday 2 June 2024

PNG has a new Court of Appeal

 Following a successful amendment to law in Parliament, Papua New Guinea will now have a third higher court system.

This Court of Appeals will exist between the National and Supreme Courts and the Court Restructure Law 2023 allows this.

Both the government and the opposition supported this law and passed the bill through voting during the final reading last Wednesday. 

Justice Minister and Attorney General Pila Niningi successfully brought the bill to Parliament.

He said judges of the higher courts will sit in one higher court only.

This means judges will be appointed to sit in the national, court of appeals or supreme court's. 

A judge cannot sit in two or more courts as was the practice.

Mr Niningi said with the new court restructure law in place, judges appointment for each court will be done  separately.

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What's good Kina boy?