Sunday 2 June 2024

Vodafone or Telikom

 Each to his or her own choice.  Here I provide my feedback comparing Vodafone and Telikom PNG services in data and calls.

Firstly, both have some great plans for on net and off net calls. But I think Telikom's plans are better than Vodafone.

Telikom has unlimited on net calls while Vodafone has set time for on net calls.

For off net, they both have some good packages but I still like Telikom's. 

Now the next is data.

Both have some good data plans for three one day and more.

But I have found Telikom data to be more reliable to use. Vodafone data access is not as reliable as Telikom.

So I lost my Telikom SIM through robbery and got a Vodafone SIM.

But I have gone back to Telikom and I post this using Telikom data.

There is less downtime than Vodafone. 

Drop your comments below about your experiences and let's influence data pricing and call plans from our the telecommunication companies.

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