Monday 24 June 2024

Stringent requirements to open a Kina Bank account

 It's not a walk in the park yo open a Kina Bank account in Papua New Guinea.

Yes you have to comply with all requirements, even if it means providing duplicate information like your date of birth.

This information contained in your valid drivers licence is not sufficient.

I stress its not sufficient.

This information has yo be captured in your letter of confirmation of employment and identification from your employer as well.

I went through this and I am sharing with you.

I got everything alright with my digital identification, but they declined my application because the date of birth was not stated in the confirmation letter.

The good staff at the downtown branch though vouched for my application to be considered because information about my DOB is clearly stated in my valid drivers licence, it was declined.

So essentially, my point here is ensure you have all details and ID prepared before you turn up at the bank or you face a run around before you open an account with Kina.

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