Monday 25 March 2024

Violence against men in Papua New Guinea

 Have you been violated by your wife or partner?

Do you want to share your story and challenge the status  quo, change the narrative for a fair Papua New Guinea?

We got to speak out.

If we do not. Our sons will cop the biased shit in future. 

Our law is not fair to males. It protects females.

As such females will do anything immoral to hurt you emotionally.

You can't react by inflicting any physical violence because they will  report you to police and there is little police could do.

They will just have  to arrest you because that's what the law says.

They will not hear ýour argument or justification that you reacted to  an immoral act your  wife did.

That is something you have to tell or inform your lawyer to argue in court.

With the current  approach with law favouring females, in  my strong opinion it is a recipe  for social decay  and promotion of immorality to be  indulged in by females.

Why? They are confident that the law protects them from any physical reaction from men.

The law has not  solved violence and is not promoting a happy healthy society that starts with building strong family institutions.

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