Tuesday 26 March 2024

NBC is truly a national news organisation

 Last week provincial journalists for the National Broadcasting Corporation attended a training on Mobile Journalism (MOJO) in Port Moresby.

The training also expanded into crafting news, focus on social media ethics and how to video and edit stories.

The training further  delved into the use of available platforms to send high resolution packages for television news.

The additional good news is all the 20 provincial journalists were gifted with MOJO kits to start producing and sending news to Port Moresby.

So what does that mean?

The NBC now will air high quality video news for viewers.

The downside though. 

It's pressure on journalists to file for various news programs.

NBC news programs

■ National TV News

■ Current Affairs for TV

■ Current Issues Radio

■ Business Daily Radio

■ NBC News Radio

At each provincial station there is only one journalist who has to prepare provincial bulletin and send news to the national newsroom in Port Moresby.

More than 10 years ago I went for a job interview at EMTV.

Before the interview ended they asked if I had any questions. 

I asked how EMTV would fair as there was the new Kundu 2 TV.

The response I got was they were here then for the last 30 years and they will still be here.

Indeed but maybe Kundu 2 transitioning to NBC Television has made leapts and bounds. 

It is due to launch its analogue to digital program and a new world class standard TV studio in July. 

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