Thursday 11 April 2024

Vodafone celebrates one year of operations

 Data communications access through smart mobile phones is expected to expand further as more people in rural areas are using them.

Vodafone PNG Chief Executive Officer Pradeep Lal has told Business Advantage they are establishing a robust nationwide network.

He says there is massive opportunity ahead, as surging data use in Papua New Guinea encourages more customers to switch to smart phones.

Vodafone arrived in the country in April 2022 and it has since stamped its mark expanding its reach.

CEO Pradeep Lal says they are on track to roll out 770 towers across 22 provinces and their aim is to create a resilient network spanning the entire country.

Vodafone is also in talks with Digicel and Telikom to co-locate their communication infrastructure.

This, Pradeep Lal told Businees Advantage would cover the unconnected and ensure a comprehensive national coverage.

The Vodafone CEO says  telecommunications is poised to revolutionalise numerous other sectors with the PNG economy as connectivity becomes an important driver in an increasing digital economy.

A research by the Development Policy Centre published last month says data pricing in the country has dropped since 2022.

The Vodafone CEO says they do not incline to engage in a pricing war however they anticipate a gradual decrease in prices through gains in the economies of scale influenced by business growth and expanding customer bases.

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