Tuesday 30 April 2024

How Tokaut Tokstret podcast on YouTube grew

 How to trigger and attract views and subscribers on YouTube is pretty basic but one has to have the art to craft it.

Watch this podcast by TokautTokstret 

He had less than 100 subscribers. 

But just within two weeks or a month his subscribers shot to nearly 1000.

See 👇👇👇👇 screenshot.

Registering 1000 subscribers is in fact one criteria met for YouTube monetisation.

The other is to have 4,000 watch hours in a year.

Now Tokaut Tokstret podcast had 33000 views for this episode only. If this stats indicates a full one hour watch on this podcast, they had went over 4,000 watch hours.

Ticked, Tokaut Tokstret would be invited by YouTube to monetise content.

Now let me get back to the crux of my post. See why just one YouTube post attracted so many views and subscribers. Tokaut Tokstret was able to control the interview very well.

The discussions attracted interest from viewers. 

It was of high quality stuff. You can read comments from viewers.

If the target audience, was East Sepik Province people, well crunch the potential interested viewers.

Kudos to GG at Tokaut Tokstret podcast

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