Tuesday 9 April 2024

PNG female caught with meth again while in court

 Port Moresby police have reported that a 19 year old female appearing in court for methamphetamine charges was arrested again inside a court at Waigani.

The accused Cecelia Kumbakor appeared before Magistrate Paul Nii and as the magistrate was presiding over the case realized Ms Kumbakor was behaving abnormally.

The magistrate then instructed police to search Ms Kumbakor.

In a statement police say a detective present in court searched the accused Ms Kumbakor and found a bong and some ear buds in her possession.

Police say the bong and ear buds are common implements used by people who smoke and inhale the methamphetamine drug.

Divisional Commander for Northern and acting Commander NCD Central Assistant
Commissioner Peter Guinness said Ms Kumbakor together with a male and two other
women were previously arrested and charged with possessing and consuming

Assistant Commissioner Guinness said Kumbakor was released on bail while her
accomplices were detained at Bomana Prison awaiting their court appearances.

The four were present in court yesterday when police found the methamphetamine
implements in Kumbakor’s possession.

Police say the discovery caused a furore inside the court room compelling Magistrate Nii to suspend the court hearing.

ACP Guinness said this particular incident is a wake up call for police, the court and the
legal fraternity.

He said police and the court must now seriously reconsider granting bail to people who are addicted to illicit drugs.

Ms Kumbakor was later charged and detained at the Boroko cells.

Three Papua New Guineans and an Italian were found guilty by the National Court in Port Moresby early this year for attempting to smuggle the drug into Australia from Port Moresby.

When finding the four guilty, Justice Panuel Mogish said the methamphetamines trade is a lucrative and well coordinated international trade.

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