Sunday 7 April 2024

Can you monetise Facebook content in Papua New Guinea

 This is a gold question content makers in Papua New Guinea want straight answers to because there is an exponential growth in customers using social media Facebook.

Well from the outset, the short answer is you can't monetise digital content on Facebook if you reside in Papua New Guinea.

That is very sad.

But Meta the owner of Facebook approves monetisation if you live in Indonesia.

Indonesia is not far from PNG and so people who live near the border might try getting over to Indonesia (Jayapura) and see if your content can be monetised.

You have to be eligible having 5000 subscribers. 

Uploaded few contents and reaching some required minutes of watch time.

The Secretary for the Department of Information and Communications Technology Stephen Matainaho says have are having a dialogue with Meta and Google to enable monetisation of Facebook content in Papua New Guinea 

Social media users in PNG now stand at over 800,000 and there are over three million internet users.

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