Sunday 14 April 2024

This is how we live at settlements in Port Moresby

A family or a person can rent a room for as low as K150 per fortnight.

This room can cater for father, mother and children.

They sleep, cook, eat in there.

Toilets and shower can be shared with other tenants who also rent a room in the building or around that property are which has a common square for relaxation. The rooms can three metres by three metres.

Access to water and shower facilities can be a pain compared to renting a house or unit.

A three bedroom unit can cost around K4000 a month and that's just out of reach in rental budgets for many employees.

The government has a ministry and a company called the National Housing Corporation formerly called the National Housing Commission.

Their primary role is to build affordable housing for people and collect rents.

But lately it had come under immense criticism for it's failure to build and provide affordable and decent housing to Papua New Guineans.

The NHC has however been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

A particular one is changing of people appointed to be managing directors.

Been in and out of court for sometime.

May be if a government can find a solution to addressing housing woos in Port Moresby or any other centre for that matter, that government would have it's name indelibly etched in people's hearts.

Who's going to address the serious housing woos now?

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