Friday 24 March 2023

Strong winds rip off roof of a Central Province village school classroom


Pictures and words by Paul Maima freelance Journalist
A DOUBLE grade four classroom( four in one ) in Porebada Primary School was destroyed last night due to heavy down pour and strong wind.
It is affecting 160 sudents, 40 students in each class. The School was suspended this morning while the administration is attending to the problem.
According to School board Chairman Mr. Tau Karoho, Porebada Primary School is a level 7 school with 850 students and 25 teaching staff.
He said most of the Classrooms including staff houses have deteriorated over the years and thus it was very unfortunate that four clasrooms were destroyed due to bad weather.
" We have notified the Central Provincial Education authority of the incident this morning." He said
" The school is suspended indefinitely as we are consolidating a way forward to get the school back as soon as possible."
" Climate Change is definitely having a toll on us and I am appealing to the Central Provincial Government, Hiri Koiari District Development Authority, Exxon Mobil, MRDC and other developing agencies to assist us for the construction of the new classrooms for class to resume." Mr. Tau said
The School Board Chairman who was a former School inpector said, all 18 classrooms needs to be rebuild but they do not have the financial capacity to do so.
The school which was established in the 1950s has educated the Porebada communities and the neighbouring village for many years.

Photo caption: The destroyed classroom in Porebada Primary School


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