Sunday 5 March 2023

NCD honors its obligation to pay Central Province share of GST


The National Capital District Commission (NCDC) authority has honoured its legal and financial obligation to the Central Provincial Government with over K3.1 million.

The payments are from the NCD Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenue collected for January and February this year (2023).

It has not been easy for Central Province going through much legal battles and an amendment to NCDC Act was successfully passed in Parliament.

This was led by former Central Governor Robert Agarobe.

The payment made on Tuesday was a double celebration for the Central Governor, Hon. Rufina Peter after having won her election petition, NCDC media release says.

Witnessed by City Manager Ravu Frank, her NCD counterpart, Governor, Hon. Powes Parkop presented the dummy cheque to her at the City Hall.

Speaking during the presentation, Governor Parkop assured fellow Governor Peter that NCDC is willing to give whatever that is due to the Central Government under the Law.

Governor Parkop said despite the court cases and other issues with the Law, they will continue delivering to the people what is required.

After the successful amendment to the NCDC Act 2001, Governor Parkop had gone to court to challenge the passing of the bill.

Despite this he said that both NCD and Central Provincial Governments could share their development road maps and find a middle ground on how they can share resources and ideas for the betterment of Central and NCD.

“Court and legal issues can continue, but nothing will stop our working relationship and understanding. We can still work together; we don’t want to have bad relationships,” Parkop said.

Governor Parkop thanked his fellow Central Governor for making time available to receive the payment on behalf of her Government.

Central Governor Peter thanked Governor Parkop and the City Manager for the funding.

She said she was looking forward to working in partnership with NCD for the good of the people.

Watch video below former Cental Province Governor Robert Agarobe explaining how and why he had fought to acquire Central Province share of GST from NCD

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