Friday 24 March 2023

PNG Police Commissioner says they will make the region hostile for transnational crime elements

 Police Commissioner David Manning has commended PNG police for collaborating with their Australian counter parts stopping transnational crimes.

Police Commissioner David Manning

He made the commendation following a successful interception of a black flight aircraft and apprehension of five men in Queensland, Australia smuggling 52 kilograms of methamphetamine worth around AU$20 million on the aircraft.


Manning said in a statement the black flight is a small aircraft used to fly undetected into certain areas to pick up and deliver illicit drugs. 

The Australian drug smugglers mainly use remote unmonitored airstrips, which PNG and North Australia have. 

He said these black flights are conducted by criminal syndicates in an effort to transport narcotics which cause harm both in PNG and within Australia.

Commissioner Manning said this was not a new investigation as the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) and the Australian Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies in Australia have been working closely since November 2022.

Mr Manning said the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary is committed to working with its partners in the Pacific to break the criminal business model. 

He said transnational crime and narcotics trade have no place in PNG or the wider Pacific region.

“With our partners we are committed to make our pacific region a hostile and disruptive environment for the transnational criminal element. We are also committed to strengthening our drug legislation to ensure that penalties reflect the severity of offending here in PNG,” Mr Manning said.

Police have also apprehended a 42-year-old male Chinese national at the Lae's Nazab airport on Wednesday. He said the suspect is currently detained and being questioned by police.

Mr Manning said a similar method was previously attempted in 2020, which saw the pilot of a light aircraft (David Cutmore) sentenced to 18 years imprisonment. 

He said four people remain before the court in PNG and four more remain before the court in Australia.

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