Showing posts with label Police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Police. Show all posts

Saturday 9 December 2023

Judge sentences Bhosip Kaiwi to life imprisonment for murder of wife

 After a long court battle and change of judges, Bhosip Kaiwi has finally being sentenced to life imprisonment at the Bomana Correctional Services.

Kaiwi, now 28, was charged with the murder of his wife Jenelyn Kennedy, 19, in June 2020.

Justice Teresa Berrigan who took over from acting Judge Wawun Kuvi whose term had expired and presided over the case said imposing a life sentence  is the only sentence that recognises the gravity of the offending. 

The court heard that Kaiwi and late Jenelyn Kennedy were married and lived at Korobosea in Port Moresby with their their two children- a three year old boy and a one year old girl.

Late Jenelyn's childhood friend Rachel Ipang also lived with them and helped with caring for the children. 

There were however tensions in the relationship with Kaiwi also having relationships with other woman.

Kaiwi also suspected his late wife Jenelyn to be having a relationship with another man.

The court found that Kaiwi subjected his late wife to much torture suspecting her of having a relationship with another man.

He used various forms of weapons to inflict pain on his late wife until she succumbed to death though a nurse friend was invited for a day and put a drip on late Jenelyn.

Kaiwi owned a boat building business and when he tortures late Jenelyn in their room, the boys engaged  in building the boat would turn up the volume of music and cover the shout from pain late Jenelyn was enduring.

There was history of violence by Kaiwi against his late wife Jenelyn.

Justice Berrigan said "this was a crime of extreme violence and appalling cruelty."

"There are a number of features that make it especially grave."

"The nature extent and severity of the injuries inflicted on the victim establish a very strong intention on the part of the offender to cause grievous bodily harm."

"What sets this case apart from other cases however is the repeated inflicted of particularly vicious injuries including through use of objects like belts and chains and other improvised weapons clearly calculated to cause immense pain and suffering in what can only properly be described as torture."

Justice Berrigan said the injury Kaiwi inflicted were chilling.

Justice Berrigan when considering the prevalence of violence against women in the country said domestic violence and killing of women by their current or former husbands or partners has long been recognised as prevalent. 

The National and Supreme Courts have repeatly denounced these offences.

Justice Berrigan also said women are an integral part of society.

They have the same rights and previleges as men under the Constitution. 

They are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. The are entitled to fully participate in and benefit from the development of this country. 

Justice Berrigan said this will only be possible when women live free from the fear of violence  or death at the hands of their current or former husbands or partners.

Thursday 21 September 2023

Judge says there is no such thing as a licence to kill as he sentences a police officer to jail

A policeman has been sentenced to 15 years in jail at Bomana with hard labour for the murder of a young man at the Gaire Fish Market, Central Province.


When sentencing the police officer Japhet Muka from Jiwaka, Justice Panuel Mogish said indiscriminate killings by members of the police force involving State issued firearm is prevalent and immediately calls for a strong deterrent sentence as a form of deterrence.


Justice Mogish said there are many case precedents involving police officers charged with homicide offences involving the use of state issued firearms.


In all those cases, he said the Courts have treated this as a special aggravating factor warranting a custodial sentence.


The court heard that on Friday 26th March 2021 between 7pm and 8pm, the accused police officer was at Gaire Fish market along the Magi Highway.

He saw the deceased who was drunk and behaving disorderly.

The accused Japhet Muka called the deceased over to him. At that time, Muka was sitting inside a police vehicle.

As the deceased came close, he opened the car door. The car door hit the deceased and caused him to fall onto the ground.

The deceased got up and ran to the opposite side of the road.

The accused police officer then got his police issued firearm and discharged a shot in the air and toward where the deceased was running.

Unfortunately, the deceased was hit on the head with a bullet from which he died.

The accused police officer was returning to  Port Moresby from Hula after escorting the body of the father of late judge Jim Wala Tamate.

Justice Mogish said the aggravating factors far outweigh the mitigating factors.

He said courts have consistently reminded law enforcement officers not to flout the law in the discharge of their constitutional duties.

These remarks have gone unnoticed by a minority of the police officers.

Justice Mogish said imposing 15 years jail term with a reduction on pre-remand time is intended to act as a stern reminder to police officers and other members of the discipline force or security guards in other private security firms.

They must exercise a high standard of duty of care to those around them when in possession of firearms.


He said there is no such thing as a license to kill.


They must exercise restraint in the use of these weapons against anyone.


Only in extreme circumstances can be excused or justified in discharging their weapons. One such circumstance is where a police officer acts in self defence where his life is in imminent danger.


Saturday 27 May 2023

Wake up the giant. It's community policing

Gordons Police station officer Benjamin Dominic has been based there since 2010.

Few years back, he was based in Vanimo, West Sepik.

His commitment to policing has ignited him to pursue proactive policing to reduce and mimisise crime at the Port Moresby Northeast area.

Here he shares his conviction  that proactive community policing is the approach to be employed if the country is to address crime.

And he further elaborates on the strategic approach they are taking.

Among them and I was impressed engagement with the media.

Gordons community policing already has a whatsapp group as well.

Benjamin writes: I recall back to 2010, when I was first inducted to Gordons Police Station, as a member of Public Safety Section. 

Benjamin Dominic OIC Community Policing at Gordon's Police Station 

If my vague memory serves me right, there was no Community Policing Office at Gordons Police Station, despite the fact that the position of OIC Community Policing was already gazetted and structured under the Gordons Police Station Operational Structure. 

A Sergeant ranked position, which  was solely given to drive interest from personnel seeking promotion, yet no one was committed to fulfilling the duty statements being designated to that position and office. 

Gordons Police Unit with their PSC Inspector Gabrirl Kini ready for security operations during FIPIC world leaders visit 

Within my thirteen (13) years or so years at Gordons Police Station, Community Policing has literally been non - existent, let alone the duty roster... which signified the skeletal existence of an OIC Community Policing.

As of January 1, 2023, I convened my role as OIC Community Policing at Gordons Police Station and simultaneously transformed an old, abandoned tea room into our current Community Policing Office, with state of the art office equipment & stationery - special thanks to our AFP Partners and a few kind hearted friends and  partners. 

Currently, our Community Policing Office serves the entire Electorate of Port Moresby Northeast and is still committed to doing more, even if there is minimal or nil logistics and technical support.

True to our Vision:

 "TO MINIMIZE LAW & ORDER PROBLEMS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE," Community Policing currently employs three (3) distinct operational phases...

To date, Gordons Community Policing is working on a Seven (7) Years Operational Plan, which is scheduled to lapse in the year 2030.

Our Law & Order Awareness Campaign Programs include:

1. Cannabis Sativa, Marijuana or Illicit Drug Abuse;

2. Illicit Spirit, or Alcohol Abuse;

3. School Bullying;

4. School Fights;

5. School Cult Practices;

6. Basic Pedestrian Crossing Rules;

7. Unlicensed Sales of Alcohol;

8. Sales of Contraband items & Expired Products;

9. Roles & Responsibilities of Police Officers;

10. Citizenship POWER of Arrest;

11. Basic Human Rights:

12. Unnatural Sexual Practices; e.g., sodomy, incest, etc...

13. Gender Based Violence (GBV);

14. Sorcery Accusation Related Violence (SARV); &

15. Natural Resources, Environment & Conservation; 

Evidence of our work in just five (5) months of operation, in itself, speaks volumes. 

Countless and successive Law and Order Awareness Campaigns, and  Successful Partnership with other agencies and entities within Port Moresby Northeast Electorate.

 These include:

1. Village Court System

2. Community Leaders

3. Education Institutions

4. Women / Vendors Groups

5. Christian Churches

6. Youth Groups

7. NGO Awareness Group(s)

Despite all the odds, constraints and barriers, Gordons Community Policing will strive to serve the people of Port Moresby Northeast, NCD and PNG,  without fear, favor, malice, or ill will. 

As far as I am concerned, a sleeping giant has been awakened and there is no turning back. 

If there be a way forward for RPNGC and NCD Metro Command to pave positively, then Community Policing is the way forward. 

Now is not the time to focus on reactive policing alone

Our Policing approach for the 21st century has to be more proactive, through more Law and Order Awareness, Advocacy & Empowerment. 

Successful Partnership with our communities is the only key to minimize our ever growing law and order issues.

Community Policing - Securing a Safer Communiy in Partnership.

Cheers always and God bless you all.

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Police will not allow public demonstration against Justine Tkatchenko

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika says police operations in the city will be on heightened alert from today Wednesday  onwards after  rumours of a planned protest march began circulating on social media.

Waigani Drive in Port Moresby this morning

Sika said police would not allow a public demonstration against Moresby South MP Justine Tkatchenko at the time when Pacific leaders were coming into the country for their summit.

Tkatchenko announced stepping aside from his role as Foreign Affairs Minister last Friday in Port Moresby. 

There were mounting pressure for him to resign coming from citizens politicians and various groups like the Catholic Professionals Association.

US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi were also arriving at the end of this week and with Tkatchenko stepping aside, Prime Minister James Marape is assuming his role temporarily.

Billboard in Port Moresby welcoming India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and regional leaders

 Sika said any disturbances by a minority group in NCD would be a major embarrassment to the international community.

The Metropolitan Superintendent said they received a letter from a group calling themselves the Coalition of Concerned Citizens delivered to his office on Tuesday, requesting police to grant approval for the planned protest march.

 "The organisers of this event are using social media to persuade city residents to form up at the Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance Institute in Waigani tomorrow (Wednesday)," he said in a statement. 

 "They intend to walk from there to parliament house."

 He has declined the request  because the world's attention is now on PNG.

"We also took into consideration the social impact on the community, " Sika said.

"The business community may suffer losses, and children's education may be disrupted by this event."

He said  people aggrieved by comments made by Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko can take their grievances to court and seek redress or write and petition the government without a public assembly.

Last week several citizens protested along Waigani drive over discriminative comments by MP Justine Tkatchenko. 

Sika said police will continue to work closely with the communities in maintaining peace and good order across the city.

Wednesday 10 May 2023

PNG police officers served with disciplinary charges

Police Media Statement

Three police officers in the National Capital District have been served with Serious Disciplinary Charges (SDOR) by the Police Internal Investigation Unit yesterday in relation to a video that went viral in the social media.

They were seen consuming what appears to be methamphetamine or ice.

The three were only served with administrative charges because when they were apprehended on May 6 at a city Lodge there was no evidence of any illicit substance in their possession.

Assistant Commissioner of Police and Commander for the National Capital District and Central Province Divisional Command, Anthony Wagambie Jr, said the three police officers were arrested and detained at the Gordon Police Station.

ACP Anthony Wagambie Jr

A search warrant was obtained and one of the policeman`s house was searched but nothing was found.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said out of the three police officers, one was served with four SDORs, the second with three and the third with two. 

He said the three men have denied consuming methamphetamine, however, they were served with administrative charges because of their actions which were captured on video and uploaded on the internet.

ACP Wagambie Jnr said they were strongly cautioned and advised that they are now in the spotlight, and everyone will be watching them. 

He said with the increase in the production, distribution, and consumption of methamphetamine in the NCD Central command, any police officer caught involved directly or indirectly will be dealt with and will be recommended for dismissal.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said policemen caught dealing or using methamphetamine or any other illicit drugs will be arrested and charged criminally if they are caught. 

He urged the public to provide information if they know of police officers involved in this illegal activity.

He said the three who were served with disciplinary charges will be closely monitored by the NCD Central Divisional Command for further actions to be taken if warranted.

Mr Wagambie Jnr said the police force is not the place for drug dealers and users and bold moves are now being initiated by the management of the Constabulary to identify and remove such people.

Saturday 6 May 2023

Wounded criminal dies at Gerehu Hospital

Police have appealed to residents in Gerehu to provide information about this gang

An unsuccessful robbery by a criminal gang on a lone female driver has resulted in the death of one of the gang members.

He was wounded and taken to the Gerehu hospital in Port Moresby but died later.

Police have appealed to residents in Gerehu to provide information about this gang.

In a report police say the gang  sprung from a toad side and pounced on a lone female driver in a maroon sedan along Nikibata road in  Gerehu.

The gang had homemade guns and knives.

About the same time, a police vehicle arrived, causing them to scatter in panic. 

Then a loud gunshot went off almost instantly, and one of gang members fell to the ground, reportedly wounded by a police bullet.

Police say the suspect fell and laid flat on the ground while his accomplices fled. 

His homemade gun, a knife, and a bilum were recovered by the lone policeman who, by then had radioed for backup.

Criminals fled leaving the weapons and bag. POLICE PICTURE

Several police patrol cars raced to the crime scene, and the wounded suspect was later carried away in a stretcher by ambulance workers who arrived at the request of police.

Assistant Commissioner of  Police NCD/Central Anthony Wagambie Jr gas commended the lone cop who courageously attacked the armed criminals.

He has appealed to the community at Gerehu to provide information on the gang so police can pursue and arrest the rest of them.

Saturday 29 April 2023

Police department reports shortlisted recruits testing positive to illicit drugs

The Royal PNG Constabulary  has reported that  six applicants for its cadet  and general police recruits have tested positive to illicit substances as it began its nation wide program starting with applicants from NCD, Central and Gulf.

Four of the applicants were shortlisted for the general recruit program while two were for the officer cadet program.

Police say four applicants tested positive to marijuana and two for methamphetamine or ice- one of them a female.

The country has recently been battling regional drug smuggling activities with methamphetamine to Australia.

The detection of drugs were revealed during a medical check for the 213 shortlisted applicants.

They were among a total of 213 applicants for the regular police recruit program who did their medical checks on Thursday and Friday last week.

Deputy Commissioner Administration Joanne Clarkson said of the 213 who did their medical checks, 26 failed, including the four who tested positive for illicit substances. 

Joanne Clarkson DCP  Administration

She said 24 were disqualified on other medical conditions such as eye test, neck nodes related to Tuberculosis, and pregnancy.

A total of 185 applicants for the police regular recruit program now advance into the physical training stage of the recruitment process.

For the cadet officer program, a total of 83 applicants were scheduled for medical checks last week. However, three did not attend. Two were tested positive for controlled drugs whilst two were disqualified on medical grounds.

A total of 76 applicants for police cadet officer now advance into the physical training aspect of the recruitment process.

“From a total of 296 candidates that were scheduled for medical checks, 261 candidates now advance to the physical training which is scheduled tomorrow (Monday April 24).

Deputy Commissioner Clarkson said there are stringent measures being put in place to ensure that academically qualified and physically and medically fit persons are selected to enter the Constabulary’s recruit and officer cadet training programs.

Ms Clarkson said, “We must get it right from the start where the applicants are shortlisted, screened, tested, and medically checked. In the screening process applicants were required to provide proof of high school certificates, birth certificates and National Identification cards, amongst other requirements. The medical tests  are being done to ensure that we recruit healthy people into the police force.

“The police top management is gravely concerned that from those checked last week, six were tested positive for illicit substances. This is a small number but just as concerning for us.

“The RPNGC is no place for substance users, and we will be vigilant and ensure they are not allowed into the Constabulary.”

A total of 13,039 applicants were shortlisted from the 48,772 applications received from across the nation for the recent police recruitment drive to fill 560 positions.

A total of 3,985 applicants were shortlisted for the National Capital District, Central and Gulf Provinces.

For the rest of the country, tentative dates have been set for the recruitment process:

· 8 May - 16 June for Hela, Southern Highlands Province, Enga, Western Highlands Province, Jiwaka and Simbu;

· 8 May – 9 June for East Sepik, West Sepik, Madang and Eastern Highlands Provinces;

· 8 May – 9 June for the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, East New Britain, West New Britain, New Ireland, and Manus Provinces; and

· 8 May - June 2 for Milne Bay, Oro, North Fly and South Fly.

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Curfew imposed in West New Britain

The Provincial law and Order Committee has imposed 8pm to 5am curfew that started on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

Local Kimbe police say through a social media notice the curfew will last for  two months.

Liquor  shop operators and outlets are strictly  asked to comply within the meaning of these curfew times.

Kimbe Tourism hotspot Photo by Kristoffer Lam Facebook

Official road blocks will be conducted along the main highways especially the New Britain Highway in this special police operation period.

Police say that there shall be no public gatherings at any public places except for church occasions.

These are among other resolutions that the committee has resolved.

The province has descended into a crime hotspot province with the latest escape of 24 prisoners from the provincial jail.

They escaped from the Maximum Security Unit holding cells. 

CS Commissioner Stephen Pokanis has confirmed the attempt to dash for freedom and 16 were shot by prison warders and died.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

Correctional Service warders can shoot escapees if they fail to stop after warnings

The West New Britain province faces another daunting law and order predicament as 24 prisoners dashed for freedom from the provincial Lakiemata jail.

Unfortunately 16 out of 24 were shot by prison warders  and died.

Correctional Service Commissioner  Stephen Pokanis has confirmed the incident with NBC Current Issues.

He said a team from the headquarters in Port Moresby will head to Kimbe to investigate without detailing the terms of reference.

PNG Correctional Service headquarters, Hohola, Port Moresby

The prisoners escaped from the Maximum Security Unit holding cells.

When queried if prison warders can shoot an escapee, Pokanis said if prisoners failed to stop after warning shots were fired they can be shot.

Provincial Police Commander Superintendent Peter Baki says police homicide squad will also do their investigations after the CS has done their internal investigations.

The police investigations will be aimed at providing information during a coronial inquest.

Superintendent Baki, a local from the province who recently transferred to the province from Milne Bay has appealed to everyone to allow due process to take its course.

The province has reported many crime incidents recently ranging from armed hold ups in the main towns to murders of Chinese nationals at logging camps.

Following the latest killings of 16 prisoners public has echoed calls for a state of emergency to be declared and law and order restored. 

Thursday 30 March 2023

Port Moresby police to be on stand by at potential hotspots: No to protest

Police in Port Moresby will be stationed at potential hot spot areas to curb any unnecessary safety and security issues that may arise.

Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika told NBC National Radio yesterday afternoon.

This is to stop a protest March that has been mooted and speculated on social media Facebook.

Sika said any protest today would be illegal as police have not
recieved any two weeks notice and a round table discussion with any organiser did not take place.

Mr Sika  said the discussion was critical to identify safety threats and opportunities during any  protest.

He has urged city residents to go about their usual business today and assured them that police are ready and  capable of confronting  any safety concerns that may arise.

Protests in Port Moresby against the government in recent years have sometimes turned bloody nasty when opportunists take advantage and destroy properties and vehicles. 

This morning in Port Moresby it appears there was normal business with children being dropped off at schools, cars were on the road, those employed were going to work and major popular supermarkets opened as usual.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

A Chinese and PNG nationals denied bail for suspected drug smuggling

A magistrate in Lae has denied bail for suspected drug smugglers who include a Chinese and six PNG nationals.

The National reports Magistrate Lorna Sani remanded the seven at Buimo jail after the police prosecutor argued that the district court could not hear bail applications for controlled substance that is more than 2kg.

The suspects were accused of helping each other move 52kg of methamphetamine from Lae to Bulolo and flown to Australia.

The suspects were Ning Hezhong, 64, from Fuzieng’s Fuging City, China; Levi Wartovo, 39, from Wau-Waria’s Kuimba village, Morobe; Hosea Tarere, 32, from Rabaul’s Pilapila village, East New Britain; Steven Temen, 28, from Gumine’s Sipagul village, Chimbu; Luke Meda, 33, from Central’s Tubusereia village; Joshua Tupana, 33, from Siwai’s Siroi village, Bougainville; and, Alfred Sanage, 35, from Dei’s Mala village in Western Highlands.

All were charged with one count of trafficking controlled substance.

They will have to apply for bail in the National Court while police proceed with the prosecution.

The National reports they will appear for mention in court on May 3.

The black flight transporting the illicit drug was intercepted in Australia.

PNG Police Commisioner David Manning said last week the successful drug bust was a result of collaboration between police commands in Australia and PNG.

He said they will continue collaborating with their Australia and regional counterparts to combat transnational drug smuggling and make the environment hostile for drug syndicates.

Friday 24 March 2023

PNG Police Commissioner says they will make the region hostile for transnational crime elements

 Police Commissioner David Manning has commended PNG police for collaborating with their Australian counter parts stopping transnational crimes.

Police Commissioner David Manning

He made the commendation following a successful interception of a black flight aircraft and apprehension of five men in Queensland, Australia smuggling 52 kilograms of methamphetamine worth around AU$20 million on the aircraft.


Manning said in a statement the black flight is a small aircraft used to fly undetected into certain areas to pick up and deliver illicit drugs. 

The Australian drug smugglers mainly use remote unmonitored airstrips, which PNG and North Australia have. 

He said these black flights are conducted by criminal syndicates in an effort to transport narcotics which cause harm both in PNG and within Australia.

Commissioner Manning said this was not a new investigation as the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) and the Australian Federal Police and other law enforcement agencies in Australia have been working closely since November 2022.

Mr Manning said the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary is committed to working with its partners in the Pacific to break the criminal business model. 

He said transnational crime and narcotics trade have no place in PNG or the wider Pacific region.

“With our partners we are committed to make our pacific region a hostile and disruptive environment for the transnational criminal element. We are also committed to strengthening our drug legislation to ensure that penalties reflect the severity of offending here in PNG,” Mr Manning said.

Police have also apprehended a 42-year-old male Chinese national at the Lae's Nazab airport on Wednesday. He said the suspect is currently detained and being questioned by police.

Mr Manning said a similar method was previously attempted in 2020, which saw the pilot of a light aircraft (David Cutmore) sentenced to 18 years imprisonment. 

He said four people remain before the court in PNG and four more remain before the court in Australia.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Police investigate huge truck crashing into a police vehicle on a busy road

Port Moresby police are investigating a traffic accident that caused vehicles in traffic to have bumped into one another following an initial collision with the first vehicle. 

Police say a police officer attached to the Police Headquarters in Port Moresby, driving the first vehicle which the truck crashed into was lucky to have  survived the accident on Wednesday, March 22.

 A dump truck ran into his vehicle from the back and caused his vehicle to crash into another vehicle infront and the collision effect impacted several other vehicles.

According to police, the policeman was travelling in a white double cab at around 11am along the Baruni Road leading to Motukea Wharf when the dump crashed into his vehicle. 

The vehicle driven by the police officer Picture by Police

Police officers who were notified of the accident quickly responded and assisted the policeman to hospital.

Back of the vehicle first impacted by the truck 


The driver of the dump truck was taken to the Police station and he is being investigated.

Thursday 2 February 2023

Drunk public servant crashes vehicle


Port Moresby police have reported that a man inebriated by liquor crashed his government issued vehicle into a property along Lawes Road, Port Moresby early today.

The grey double cabin utility was speeding down hill when it veered off the road and crashed into a residental yard at around 2.45am today.

The lone driver was injured upon impact and was taken to the hospital according to NCD Police Traffic investigators.

The mangled vehicle is still inside the residental yard and the driver will be questioned and charged when he is discharged from the hospital.

Public have decried the incident very concerned that public funds were being wasted and how have such persons been recruited to the public service.

One said government vehicles should be parked as of 4.06pm after every working day

Monday 31 October 2022

Police retrieve dead corpse of missing policeman

 Manning calls for calm following death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda – Warns suspects not to resist


Sunday October 30, 2022

Following confirmation that the body retrieved in Magarima, Hela Province, is that of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda, Commissioner of Police David Manning has called for calm amongst police personnel and their families as those responsible are arrested.

Police Commissioner David Manning

“Now is the time that the country needs our disciplined forces to show restraint and calm as we deal with the death of Senior Constable Nelson Kalimda,” Commissioner Manning said this evening during a media conference at the National Police Headquarters. The conference was held after senior officers visited the family of the late constable to inform them of the death of their husband and father.

“I appeal for calm, and to put off any response or protest action, because nothing will be achieved from more violence.

“I am appealing to, and I am directing, all uniformed personnel to show restraint and let the law take its course.

“I share your pain, and the pain of Senior Constable Kalimda’s family, and I am as angry as every other man and woman in our uniform over what has happened to our brother.

“Ours is a dangerous profession that is not free from risk, and our police men and women face threats every day they go to work.

“That we confront these risks does not make it any easier to deal with the grief we face, but it reminds us that we lead by example and use the law to bring enemies of the people to justice,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said investigations are being led by some of the most capable officers in the Police Force to bring swift justice upon those involved in the death of Senior Constable Kalimda.

“I issue a clear warning to anyone involved with Senior Constable Kalimda’s death, to not resist arrest when police catch up with them.

“If these suspects threaten police with weapons, our police personnel have full authority to escalate the use of force and to use all appropriate means necessary to take control of the situation.

“Police have made two arrests so far and there are four other persons of interest that are the subject of an ongoing search.

“On behalf of all police and our families, my direction to investigating officers is clear, to go and find the culprits and bring them in using every means at your disposal because the weight of the law and the will of the people is on your side,” Mr Manning said.

Commissioner Manning said Hela Governor, Philip Undialu, has supported the search with provincial resources, alongside community leaders with their knowledge at the local level, and all of these efforts have been most valuable in supporting police action.

Photograph and caption: Police Commissioner David Manning at the media conference. Far right is Chief of Staff, Commander Stephen Francis.

Monday 10 October 2022

Port Moresby Police quell tribal figjht in the city but two were killed

 09th Sunday October 2022.

Police Media Statement 

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Gideon Ikumu said two people were  reportedly killed in a fight between the Helas and Eastern highlanders in Erima today (Sunday)

Police Media Pic
Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said, the two groups mobilized and exchanged projectiles resulting  in some injuries, before police intervened and stopped the fighting.

 He said the NCD Homicide unit is now investigating these reported killings but the community leaders must also step in to assist the police in their investigations.

Police Media Pic

Mr Ikumu said the leaders on both sides of the conflict must identify the suspects involved in the killings and bring them to the police.

The Metsup and his men spoke to the Helas underneath the  Kookaburra Fly over before meeting up with the Marawaka community at Erima Mambu settlement today.  

In these meetings, the Metsup appealed for calm and said the police will do everything within its means to stop the fight from re-occurring.

Monday 2 May 2022

Papua New Guinea election official jailed

 As Papua New Guinea prepares to head to the campaign and polls, an election official was jailed for seven years by a judge at the National Court.

Terence Hetinu, 51, from Kainantu in the Eastern Highlands Province was the election manager for National Capital District in the 2017 election.

Terence Hetinu FB National Broadcasting Corporation

Judge Teresa Berrigan in sentencing Hetinu on Friday April, 30, 2022 said this must serve as a strong deterrent against election corruptions on the eve of another election.

She said there must be free, fair and safe elections.

Post Courier quoted Judge Berrigan: "It should never be forgotten that free and fair elections are the foundations upon which every thriving economy rests ensuring that government authority derives fromm the will of the people.

"The right to vote is enshrined in the Constitution and that right is sacred.

"The future of this country depends on it."

Hetinu is reported to have committed election fraud by corruptly receiving a large sum of money totaling K184, 300.

That money was to be used to pay polling officials in Port Moresby to secure the election of a candidate against incumbent Hon. Powes Parkop during the 2017 National General Elections.

Police arrested Hetinu on June 27, 2017 at a Six Mile polling location when he was caught red handed with the money bag inside an official Electoral Commission vehicle.

The money found by police Source: EMTV FB

Police also found in Hetinu's possession a contract of agreement between the candidate and himself detailing that Hetinu would be given a security business contract if the candidate won the election and be the Governor for National Capital District.

Judge Berrigan had described the crime as "official corruption of the worst kind", Post Courier reported.

Former Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato who defended Hetinu at that time saying the money were election allowances was charged with similar offences but was later cleared while Hetinu was found guilty of official corruption.

Metropolitan Superintendent then Sylvester Kalaut had pointed out that they understood that all allowance for election officials  were to be paid through their respective bank accounts, and not in cash

Corruption in Papua New Guinea by public officials had been a huge concern by the public and corruption watch dogs and commentators.

Blogger Martyn Namorong has once commented on a panel discussion that Papua New Guineans were too aspirational and want to own assets and in order to acquire them sooner is through corrupt means.

This has contributed to increase in fraud and corruption by public officials.

Criteria for pap smear