Saturday 27 May 2023

Wake up the giant. It's community policing

Gordons Police station officer Benjamin Dominic has been based there since 2010.

Few years back, he was based in Vanimo, West Sepik.

His commitment to policing has ignited him to pursue proactive policing to reduce and mimisise crime at the Port Moresby Northeast area.

Here he shares his conviction  that proactive community policing is the approach to be employed if the country is to address crime.

And he further elaborates on the strategic approach they are taking.

Among them and I was impressed engagement with the media.

Gordons community policing already has a whatsapp group as well.

Benjamin writes: I recall back to 2010, when I was first inducted to Gordons Police Station, as a member of Public Safety Section. 

Benjamin Dominic OIC Community Policing at Gordon's Police Station 

If my vague memory serves me right, there was no Community Policing Office at Gordons Police Station, despite the fact that the position of OIC Community Policing was already gazetted and structured under the Gordons Police Station Operational Structure. 

A Sergeant ranked position, which  was solely given to drive interest from personnel seeking promotion, yet no one was committed to fulfilling the duty statements being designated to that position and office. 

Gordons Police Unit with their PSC Inspector Gabrirl Kini ready for security operations during FIPIC world leaders visit 

Within my thirteen (13) years or so years at Gordons Police Station, Community Policing has literally been non - existent, let alone the duty roster... which signified the skeletal existence of an OIC Community Policing.

As of January 1, 2023, I convened my role as OIC Community Policing at Gordons Police Station and simultaneously transformed an old, abandoned tea room into our current Community Policing Office, with state of the art office equipment & stationery - special thanks to our AFP Partners and a few kind hearted friends and  partners. 

Currently, our Community Policing Office serves the entire Electorate of Port Moresby Northeast and is still committed to doing more, even if there is minimal or nil logistics and technical support.

True to our Vision:

 "TO MINIMIZE LAW & ORDER PROBLEMS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE," Community Policing currently employs three (3) distinct operational phases...

To date, Gordons Community Policing is working on a Seven (7) Years Operational Plan, which is scheduled to lapse in the year 2030.

Our Law & Order Awareness Campaign Programs include:

1. Cannabis Sativa, Marijuana or Illicit Drug Abuse;

2. Illicit Spirit, or Alcohol Abuse;

3. School Bullying;

4. School Fights;

5. School Cult Practices;

6. Basic Pedestrian Crossing Rules;

7. Unlicensed Sales of Alcohol;

8. Sales of Contraband items & Expired Products;

9. Roles & Responsibilities of Police Officers;

10. Citizenship POWER of Arrest;

11. Basic Human Rights:

12. Unnatural Sexual Practices; e.g., sodomy, incest, etc...

13. Gender Based Violence (GBV);

14. Sorcery Accusation Related Violence (SARV); &

15. Natural Resources, Environment & Conservation; 

Evidence of our work in just five (5) months of operation, in itself, speaks volumes. 

Countless and successive Law and Order Awareness Campaigns, and  Successful Partnership with other agencies and entities within Port Moresby Northeast Electorate.

 These include:

1. Village Court System

2. Community Leaders

3. Education Institutions

4. Women / Vendors Groups

5. Christian Churches

6. Youth Groups

7. NGO Awareness Group(s)

Despite all the odds, constraints and barriers, Gordons Community Policing will strive to serve the people of Port Moresby Northeast, NCD and PNG,  without fear, favor, malice, or ill will. 

As far as I am concerned, a sleeping giant has been awakened and there is no turning back. 

If there be a way forward for RPNGC and NCD Metro Command to pave positively, then Community Policing is the way forward. 

Now is not the time to focus on reactive policing alone

Our Policing approach for the 21st century has to be more proactive, through more Law and Order Awareness, Advocacy & Empowerment. 

Successful Partnership with our communities is the only key to minimize our ever growing law and order issues.

Community Policing - Securing a Safer Communiy in Partnership.

Cheers always and God bless you all.

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