Thursday 18 May 2023

Bad road users cause unnecessary traffic jams

 Our roads in Port Moresby do have busy traffic in the morning and afternoon during peak hours.

Traffic does flow though.

What makes the drive quite long is the queue jumpers and those who are impatient, interchanging lanes as they wade through traffic.

Sometimes they unlawfully  drive on walk pavements for pedestrians putting pedestrians lives at risk too.

The main culprits are bus and taxi drivers. 

I have noted though few well dressed drivers in very clean and latest make vehicles  do the same too.

I should be forgiven for thinking they should be the well mannered road users but looks can be deceitful. 

There are buses advertisers are promoting their products on them.

Sadly it appears the advertisers are supporting road rage users causing traffic stress and nuisance.

One is the government's owned PNG Tourism Promotion Authority promotes tourism on the buses.

Well I hope PNGTPA had set terms and conditions for the bus drivers to comply, promote traffic rules and road safety- if not stop giving them money.

The advertisers can help educate drivers and promoting road safety rules by setting conditions on advertising.

Be safe on the road today, don't bully, respect other road users.

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