Saturday 20 May 2023

High student to teacher ratio concerns Teaching Service Commission mindful about welfare of teachers

The Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has embarked on an observation and recording mission concerning teacher to student ratios.

Despite reports and concerns raised by parents and public about overcrowding instigated by the government's free education policy program, the Teaching Service Commission needs further assessment.

A remote school at Sogeri, Central Province near a historical SDA Church base 

 They visited twelve schools in Port Moresby last week to observe teacher to student ratio in classrooms.

Their main aim is to ensure a teacher’s welfare is not compromised.
  TSC Provincial Advisor – NCD and team leader Paul Lapun explained to each school administration the purpose of their visit.   “School infrastructure and curriculum is not TSC business, our business is the welfare of your teacher,” Mr Lapun explained to each school principal.   Teacher ratio against a class size was assessed at the early childhood, elementary, primary and junior high levels.

The schools visited were Waigani Primary School, Boreboa Primary, Gerehu and Badiagwa Secondary, Kaugere and Butuka Academy.   “The notion of teacher-pupil ratio was stipulated in section 33 in Teaching Service Act 1998 that we have been and we are now implementing,” Lapun said.   TSC Advisors have observed overcrowding as a common issue in most of the schools visited, threatening the performance and welfare of teacher on a professional and personal level.   TSC officials have provided recommendation and expert advice to the school administrations. They should prioritize teacher’s welfare to encourage and maintain quality teaching in the classrooms.
  A few of these recommendations were toasses transfer-in students, monitor and report teachers who encourage students to enroll without the permission of the school board, discourage nepotism during enrolments, continue seeking assistance from government authorities who are responsible for education infrastructure development to cater for increase in student enrolments, report outside authorities who are suppressing teachers.   The indicators that TSC officers used to identify effects of the teacher to a student ratio included:

the number of students enrolled into each class,

how many subjects each teacher is taking

classroom space for students and teachers to move around,

staff ceiling and monthly returns from each of these schools visited.
  As the mandated employing agency for all teachers serving in public schools, the Teaching Service Commission is now checking the schools to verify and confirm the correct 1:45 ratio in classrooms and schools.   One out of the twelve schools that were visited has an excellent school infrastructure however other curriculum-related issues like shortage of textbooks remains a challenge.   Next week, the team will visit two more of the semi-urban schools in Port Moresby.  

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