Showing posts with label Peter Baki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Baki. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Curfew imposed in West New Britain

The Provincial law and Order Committee has imposed 8pm to 5am curfew that started on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

Local Kimbe police say through a social media notice the curfew will last for  two months.

Liquor  shop operators and outlets are strictly  asked to comply within the meaning of these curfew times.

Kimbe Tourism hotspot Photo by Kristoffer Lam Facebook

Official road blocks will be conducted along the main highways especially the New Britain Highway in this special police operation period.

Police say that there shall be no public gatherings at any public places except for church occasions.

These are among other resolutions that the committee has resolved.

The province has descended into a crime hotspot province with the latest escape of 24 prisoners from the provincial jail.

They escaped from the Maximum Security Unit holding cells. 

CS Commissioner Stephen Pokanis has confirmed the attempt to dash for freedom and 16 were shot by prison warders and died.

Criteria for pap smear