Wednesday 29 March 2023

A Chinese and PNG nationals denied bail for suspected drug smuggling

A magistrate in Lae has denied bail for suspected drug smugglers who include a Chinese and six PNG nationals.

The National reports Magistrate Lorna Sani remanded the seven at Buimo jail after the police prosecutor argued that the district court could not hear bail applications for controlled substance that is more than 2kg.

The suspects were accused of helping each other move 52kg of methamphetamine from Lae to Bulolo and flown to Australia.

The suspects were Ning Hezhong, 64, from Fuzieng’s Fuging City, China; Levi Wartovo, 39, from Wau-Waria’s Kuimba village, Morobe; Hosea Tarere, 32, from Rabaul’s Pilapila village, East New Britain; Steven Temen, 28, from Gumine’s Sipagul village, Chimbu; Luke Meda, 33, from Central’s Tubusereia village; Joshua Tupana, 33, from Siwai’s Siroi village, Bougainville; and, Alfred Sanage, 35, from Dei’s Mala village in Western Highlands.

All were charged with one count of trafficking controlled substance.

They will have to apply for bail in the National Court while police proceed with the prosecution.

The National reports they will appear for mention in court on May 3.

The black flight transporting the illicit drug was intercepted in Australia.

PNG Police Commisioner David Manning said last week the successful drug bust was a result of collaboration between police commands in Australia and PNG.

He said they will continue collaborating with their Australia and regional counterparts to combat transnational drug smuggling and make the environment hostile for drug syndicates.

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