Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protest. Show all posts

Thursday 30 March 2023

Port Moresby police to be on stand by at potential hotspots: No to protest

Police in Port Moresby will be stationed at potential hot spot areas to curb any unnecessary safety and security issues that may arise.

Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika told NBC National Radio yesterday afternoon.

This is to stop a protest March that has been mooted and speculated on social media Facebook.

Sika said any protest today would be illegal as police have not
recieved any two weeks notice and a round table discussion with any organiser did not take place.

Mr Sika  said the discussion was critical to identify safety threats and opportunities during any  protest.

He has urged city residents to go about their usual business today and assured them that police are ready and  capable of confronting  any safety concerns that may arise.

Protests in Port Moresby against the government in recent years have sometimes turned bloody nasty when opportunists take advantage and destroy properties and vehicles. 

This morning in Port Moresby it appears there was normal business with children being dropped off at schools, cars were on the road, those employed were going to work and major popular supermarkets opened as usual.

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