Saturday 9 December 2023

Judge sentences Bhosip Kaiwi to life imprisonment for murder of wife

 After a long court battle and change of judges, Bhosip Kaiwi has finally being sentenced to life imprisonment at the Bomana Correctional Services.

Kaiwi, now 28, was charged with the murder of his wife Jenelyn Kennedy, 19, in June 2020.

Justice Teresa Berrigan who took over from acting Judge Wawun Kuvi whose term had expired and presided over the case said imposing a life sentence  is the only sentence that recognises the gravity of the offending. 

The court heard that Kaiwi and late Jenelyn Kennedy were married and lived at Korobosea in Port Moresby with their their two children- a three year old boy and a one year old girl.

Late Jenelyn's childhood friend Rachel Ipang also lived with them and helped with caring for the children. 

There were however tensions in the relationship with Kaiwi also having relationships with other woman.

Kaiwi also suspected his late wife Jenelyn to be having a relationship with another man.

The court found that Kaiwi subjected his late wife to much torture suspecting her of having a relationship with another man.

He used various forms of weapons to inflict pain on his late wife until she succumbed to death though a nurse friend was invited for a day and put a drip on late Jenelyn.

Kaiwi owned a boat building business and when he tortures late Jenelyn in their room, the boys engaged  in building the boat would turn up the volume of music and cover the shout from pain late Jenelyn was enduring.

There was history of violence by Kaiwi against his late wife Jenelyn.

Justice Berrigan said "this was a crime of extreme violence and appalling cruelty."

"There are a number of features that make it especially grave."

"The nature extent and severity of the injuries inflicted on the victim establish a very strong intention on the part of the offender to cause grievous bodily harm."

"What sets this case apart from other cases however is the repeated inflicted of particularly vicious injuries including through use of objects like belts and chains and other improvised weapons clearly calculated to cause immense pain and suffering in what can only properly be described as torture."

Justice Berrigan said the injury Kaiwi inflicted were chilling.

Justice Berrigan when considering the prevalence of violence against women in the country said domestic violence and killing of women by their current or former husbands or partners has long been recognised as prevalent. 

The National and Supreme Courts have repeatly denounced these offences.

Justice Berrigan also said women are an integral part of society.

They have the same rights and previleges as men under the Constitution. 

They are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity. The are entitled to fully participate in and benefit from the development of this country. 

Justice Berrigan said this will only be possible when women live free from the fear of violence  or death at the hands of their current or former husbands or partners.

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