Tuesday 5 December 2023

Port Moresby General Hospital struggling to administer specialist health care demand

Press Release 

PMGH is the Country's Level 6 referral specialist Hospital. It’s role is to provide specialised service which other Provincial Hospitals can not provide. 

PMGH is struggling to meet the specialist health service demand of the country because it is carrying the primary and Secondary health care load of the City’s growing population, including Central and Gulf Provinces. 

NCDPHA and Central PHA do not have a designated Level 5 hospital, there is no Level 4 health facility for Port Moresby North East and Moresby South Electorates. 

Central Province Level 4 District Hospitals need major facility upgrade equipped and appropriate manpower in place to serve the growing population. 

Until such time NCDPHA Level 5 hospital and its District Level 4 hospitals and Level 5 Central PHA hospital and its level 4 District Hospitals are upgraded, and Kerema Hospital upgraded to standards, PMGH will continue to take on the load.

This is reflected by overcrowding at PMGH Emergency Department, Overcrowding at the labor ward and babies delivered on the floor, overcrowding at outpatients, Radiology and Pathology.

PMGH while managing the primary and secondary care load it has stepped up to provide specialized service in Cardiac through the establishment of a Cath Lab, Kidney program to be established and cancer services to be established. PMGH continues to provide specialized care in Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic, Obstetrics and Gynaecology etc.

The Government has responded to the demand through the proposed establishment of a designated Level 5 Central Provincial Hospital and Level 5 NCDPHA hospital. 

Moresby South Level 4 Hospital will soon open to provide services. Taurama Military Hospital expansion plan is in progress.

We anticipate that by 2030 PMGH will offload some primary and some Secondary Care to those hospitals so PMGH concentrates on delivering specialized services. 

As a teaching and research Hospital, aligned to the proposed Medical and Health Science University, PMGH will maintain some primary and secondary care for training of undergraduate and post graduate students.

The public will continue to see crowded outpatients and emergency department unless the NCDPHA, Gulf PHA and Central PHA step up to take on some loads.

For now, PMGH is carrying primary and secondary care for the 3x PHA which you find overcrowding in PMGH.

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