Saturday 1 April 2023

Sir Rabble Namaliu passes on

Papua New Guinea's fourth Prime Minister Sir Rabble Namaliu ,75,  has died. 

He was Prime Minister from 1987 to 1992 and represented the people of Kokopo,  East New Britain in Parliament. 

Reports about his death indicated he had a severe lung  infection which prompted his immediate medivac to Port Moresby but he unfortunately  died at Tokua airport in Kokopo on 31 March 2023.

Sir Rabble entered politics in the early 1980s and bowed out in 2007.

He held several senior ministerial portfolios being the Finance and Foreign Ministers apart from being Prime Minister when he was leader of the Pangu Pati.

Among his esteemed achievements outside of politics  he will be rememberd as one of the gang of four public servants who steered the public service during the country's formative years.

They put together policies and set out how the public administration was to be run.

The other members of the gang of four are Charles Lepani who is still living and those who have passed on are Sir Mekere Morauta and Sir Anthony Siaguru.

Sir Rabble was educated at the University of Papua New Guinea and the University of Victoria in Canada.

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