Wednesday 12 April 2023

Change in executive management at Telefomin District

District Administrator assumes role at provincial headquarters

“It is a promotional transfer. In your life as a public servant you have to move up and make progress.”

These were the final words by the Minister for Works and Highways and Member for Telefomin Hon. Solan Mirisim when bidding farewell to the outgoing District Administrator Nemsin Kibisep and Deputy DA  Anselem Mani.

Mr. Kibisep served Telefomin District for 11 years as the District Administrator prior to his promotional transfer to Vanimo.

Mr Mani also serves Telefomin District for 9 years as the Deputy DA and 2 years as the Acting DA before his promotion.

Minister Mirisim in bidding his farewell thanked the two senior officials for their outstanding service to the people of Telefomin despite the many challenges. 

“When I took office in 2012 as Member elect for Telefomin you both stood with me. I was the political head giving direction. You were the implementers. The many changes in the district since 2012 is because of the working relationship we foster together over the years.

“On behalf of the 82 council wards, four LLGs and 50,000 plus people of Telefomin District I take my hats off to you both for your distinguished public service and wish you both the best of luck in you promotional transfer to Vanimo.

I know the people will miss your leadership but this is life and we need to move on and move up. If and when the district will require any of your service you are just a phone call away.”

Mirisim said this is also the first time to see a smooth transition of the DA & Deputy DA post without any hiccups. 

He further stated that Telefomin will always have a special place for Mr. Kibisep and Mr. Mani.

He urged the public servants to continue to function during the transition period and allow due process to take place. 

He appealed to his people to understand the process and embrace this change.

Outgoing DA  Kibisep thanked the people of Telefomin,  public servants and the Minister Mirisim for the last 11 years serving them. 

He said during his 36 years serving as a DA in various Districts, Telefomin is the most challenging district to manage.

He urged the public servants to remain committed to serving the people and work together with the MP to help develop the district. 

Meanwhile, Mr. Anselem Mani will act as the District Administrator while a permanent appointment is made and Mr. Joe Yoboi will act as the Deputy DA.

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