Thursday 6 April 2023

Yes PNG can end Tuberculosis

Yes, We Can End TB 

In Papua New Guinea, World Tuberculosis (TB) Day is an important reminder of the urgent need to address the country's TB situation. 

TB is caused by bacteria known as Mycobacterium Tuberculosis and predominantly affects the lungs. It spreads through the air when a person with lung TB coughs, sneezes, or spits. Just a few germs are enough to infect someone. So living and working in overcrowded conditions is an important social risk factor for the easy spread of TB. 

Individuals infected with TB bacteria have a 5-10% risk of contracting the disease in their lifetime. However, the risk is higher among those with weakened immune systems, such as people living with HIV, malnourishment, diabetes, or cigarette smokers.

Despite being preventable and treatable, TB remains the world's top infectious killer, with 10 million people worldwide falling ill with TB each year. 

In Papua New Guinea, the disease is a critical public health problem, with the country reporting 30,000 new cases each year.

An important challenge in TB management is that many people often turn to local witch doctors or sorcerers first for treatment and present late for medical attention. 

Symptoms of TB include cough for more than 2 weeks associated with bloody sputum, chest pains, weakness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats. 

TB is curable, and treatment is free. Standard TB treatment is a course of 4 TB medications daily for 6 months.  The treatment cures the disease, reduces transmission, prevents drug resistance, relapse and death. 

Picture by World Bank

Poor compliance with treatment remains a challenge due to the long duration of treatment. An important program that we all can be a part of in our families and communities where we have TB is to partner with TB patients and help them take their medications via the Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) Program.  

By raising awareness, empowering communities, and offering support, Papua New Guinea can unite in the fight against TB - Yes, We Can End TB!

#TBDay #PNG #tuberculosis

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