Monday 3 April 2023

Grapes grown and bearing fruits at Tokarara, Port Moresby

Words and pictures by Bonny Bonnsella

If Menyamya and Teptep in Morobe can grow apples, Tokarara suburb in hot Port Moresby grow and bear grapes.

This evidence with pictures below disproves the notion  that grapes cannot grow in Port Moresby.  

The Eastern Highlands has reported grapes being harvested.

Well at Tokarara in Port Moresby, Augustine Irakau from Kuluguma village on Manam Island, Bogia Distrct of  Madang Province has  grape plants bearing the juicy fruits

Augustine and his dear wife Anna Irakau bought the cuttings from a friend at Garden Hills in 2019, and the couple were advised that it will take three years to grow.

True to the words, the grapes flowered last year but due to bad weather pollination and successful bearing of the fruit did not turn out. 

In March of 2023, the Irakau couple witnessed something strange, -the vine was bearing healthy grapes from the spine to the branches.

If Irakau family can prove otherwise, PNG is truly a land blessed with so much potential when foreign countries exporting and protecting their own produce undermine our potential to grow and export our own organic produce.

Just simply ask Augustine and his wife Anna.

My bubu, 20 year old Anthonia Kwan  has posed with the grapes that her grannies grew in 2019.

The agriculture department officers can call in and do some research about the potential of this fruit to be grown in hot Port Moresby.

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